How living with a healthy lifestyle helps us to stay healthy | Meditation | Shat-Karmas


Living with a healthy lifestyle helps us stave off diseases; such is yoga for at least 30 minutes- meditation 10 minutes a day and a balanced diet can provide all day long energy. Eating right could keep health issues at bay; there is enough evidence to establish a link between obesity and health issues such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension and many more, so it is imperative one switches to a plant-based diet. e.g. Consume fresh food, vegetables and dry fruits. A fibre-rich diet can help fight against diseases, and it helps in moving the food quickly through the bowel and help mouth, throat and digestive system in a balanced state, further keep obesity at bay. Yoga can have you find emotional and physical harmony, enabling you to relax and strengthen your body; so there are many joys of being a yoga disciple.


Research shows that exercise and a healthy diet that includes are high in fibre, saturated fats can help in preventing diabetes. Consume dry fruits, nuts and seeds to check mineral deficiencies; increase fibre intake and have herbs and seeds (fenugreek seeds, amla, kalonji (nigella), cinnamon, turmeric, karela and raw onions; are beneficial for diabetics and prevented. Exercise improves the body’s insulin resistance and helps to gain additional health benefits. 

A healthy life sans diabetes is possible; if one is prepared to put in some effort; a person can recover from diabetes. Doing Exercise every day is the key of the health to long-lasting health benefits; at least forty-five minutes of exercise a day is enough to stay healthy, you can do the warming-up exercises; along with walking and running, yoga, meditation and aerobic exercises, which are enough sustaining good health to obtain longevity. Exercise and physical activity in a day intensifies happy hormones (dopamine, serotonin and endorphins); and decreasing stress hormone promptly.



 Yoga can boost your energy and helps to build up strong immunity.

Yoga comprises of Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, Shat Karma and Meditation; and you can adopt particulars set of asanas, Pranayama and meditation for a day to do; all depends on your will.

The shat-karmas are of six practices 

  1. Neti – to clean nostrils.
  2. Dhauti- to clean the internal organ of the body.
  3. Nauli – to clean and strengthen intestines.
  4. Basti-cleans the colon and anus.
  5. Trataka- cleanses the eyes.

      6 Kapalbhati-cleanses head.


Shat-karma practices aim at internal cleaning of the body. Neti cleans the nose. KapalaBhati (head) cleanses head, purifies lungs, heart and blood. After Neti, and advised doing Kapal Bhati to more results that are reliable; it is kind of Pranayama that practice to Strengthen and coordinate the Nadis and chakras. The third practice of the shat-karma is Nauli; Nauli Kriya recalibrates the diaphragm and the digestive system. Abdominal breathing and Uddiyan bandh can be done usually in sitting postures, and while Nauli Kriya- can be done in the standing position.



Meditation leads one to live in the ecstasy realm, so to such a person, the infinite reveals itself. The aspirant endeavours to cultivate the conclusive intensive feeling of intimacy towards the aura of divine virtues whose presence is felt and brings us closer to the supreme source divinity. Latent virtues and divine-skills spring and eventually blossom into a mighty tree of embellishing powers. The basics and essential modes of experiments in spirituality are embracing of virtues from which transmute an ordinary moral-power into an earnest human being. The practice of Yoga lessens the decay of tissues by increasing the prana-energy. During meditation-session, the brain gets more pranic energy that stimulates the spine and's seven energy centres located on it, which are known as chakras or glands. Ten minutes of keeping in deep meditation are equal to six hours of sound sleep and where oxygen consumption falls to its lower level in meditation proved good results

Breathe becomes composed and calm during a meditation session. Meditation increases tissue mass in the area of the brain of controlling impulses and maintaining attention swiftly, increased thickness in the state of the brain is accountable for body awareness, enhanced focus and stress management and keeps the amygdala in balance.













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