How Sutra-Neti purifies the skull and makes the eyesight very keen

Neti is for the purpose of purification of the nostrils and for regulating the breathe within. Neti purifies the skull, the brain, mouth and sharpens the eyesight and cures all types of problems related to the organs above shoulders. Those who want long, strong and shiny hair would definitely benefit from this technique. Neti becomes remedy for all the diseases that result from colds and catarrh. The French Academy of medicine hailed that by practising Neti regularly beneficial results are seen in all such cases, they further advocated that more than 75% of the world population of having great need of such sorts of methods. The desired results can be gained within couple of days. Dr. Glorger Gantier says that Neti is a panacea that it cures deafness, headache, snoring, asthma and eyesight. 

Jala-Neti, Gajkarni/Shitakarama-Jala Neti and Siddha Jala Neti are all a sort of Neti and should be practiced with normal water with a little salt. The salt water that passes through the nose also acts as a bacteria killer. Neti maintains the level of pH scale in the body that removes the acidic elements from the nose firstly. The nose and the mouth are ever of two organs that have a direct connection with its surrounding environments whether it be by breathing in-out or taking foods.  How Neti maintains the pH level in the upper area of the body first and then the lower portion of the body lets first understand what is pH.
Our body works within a pH range of 7.0 to 7.8. All living organisms can survives only in a narrow range of pH (7.0 to 7.8). The pH in our life has played an important roles as we see in our digestive system, as is also the case in tooth decay when pH is lower than 5.5. Bacteria present in the mouth produce acids by degradation of sugar and food particles remaining in the mouth after eating. It is worthwhile to rinse mouth with water or use toothpastes to clean the teeth and neutralise the excess acid to help prevent tooth decay. Rubber Neti, Jal-Neti, Gajkarni-Neti and Siddha-Neti are practised with salty water as it possess the same pH-7 that will obtain the same outcome. The water and salts are enough to eradicate all sorts of problems from the body. Without any medicines aspirant cures their whole body by using water and salt. Since the age’s yogis have performed shat-karma Kriya to fine tune their bodies by using water and salt without knowing the pH scale. But modern science opens with new discoveries regarding health issues.
The pH scale is a measure of the acidity/alkaline or basic character of a solution. Since it measures a fraction, the larger the pH number, the less H⁺ ions are present in a solution is used to measures the alkalinity or acidity of a substance - the scale goes from 0 to 14. The ‘p’ in ph. stands for ‘Potenz’ in German that means power. A pH under 7 indicates that what you are measuring is acidic and anything over 7 is alkaline. The pH of a neutral solution is 7. Human blood, has a pH that ranges from 7.35 to 7.45, even a slight change out of this range could cause damage.  
Rubber Neti: Is the process of cleaning the nose with a rubber Neti (a catheter that is available at medical stores in varying thickness) also known as catheter Neti. While Sutra Neti is a string, especially prepared with a fine cotton thread about 12 inches long, without any knot in the middle ensuring that it is not thin and weak. In the beginning, one should start with a catheter (Neti) for two week, if aspirant is novice after that he could do with catheter and cotton Neti as he should do by one end of the string put in the catheter.
Step to follow
Take a catheter and insert one end of it into the right nostril and catch hold the other end firmly and slowly pushed till it reaches in the throat or behind uvula.
Use your index finger and middle finger to pull out the first end of it while the tail end of the Neti will to be loosen slowly, when you make sure that first end you pull out from the mouth properly after that you have to leave the tail end of it.
Do the same with the left nostrils.
Benefits: the same befits that has been described in the three previous articles series.


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