
Showing posts from January, 2019

How to do meditation | benefits |Third eye | Pituitary gland | How to connect with astral body

The internal one to one communication happens through our thoughts and words based on reasoning that entirely depends upon the mind only. While the heart to heart communication happens through feelings, without feelings would mean that the heart is completely absent and being led towards a very shallow life. Above both of these, there is soul to soul communication which happens through silence and is superior to both. Self-introspection, self-efficacy and self-esteem are the outcomes of the silence. When one transcends ones feeling, one becomes still. Meditation prior aim is to be still within, so that by watching, one can observe the truth and filter unhealthy bonds properly. Meditation helps the conscious mind to be remove these harmful conditioned feelings and thoughts to improve equanimity as well as integrating with sub conscious and superconscious mind. Our inner sense always wanted to communicate with us but we ignored, because we are not aware at our conscious l

Maha mudra-How to do | Spiritual benefits | Health | Enhances Ida, Pingla and Sushumna Nadis

The human body is a store house of divine virtues and the mudras are the tools to easily explore those virtues within. Meditation, mantra chanting and doing yoga aims to acquire a higher consciousness and if mudras are added into the mix then spiritual growth definitely becomes easier.   Mudras enhance constancy, makes one stronger and composed within the mind so that one can properly attain the cosmic impression retrieved for higher spiritual growth. The mudras are being divided into two groups, in the first group comprises of mudras which strengthen glands and hormones, whereas, the second groups comprises with thirteen important mudras that affect pranas in the body. Thirteen mudras which affect the pranas Vayu are Maha mudra, Vajroni mudra, yoni mudra, Shaktichalini mudra, Mahabandha mudra, mahabedha mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Prithvidharna mudra, Jaladharna mudra, Pashini mudra, Agnidharna mudra, Vayavidharna mudra and Akasidharna mudra.   These mudras can be accomplish

Pada-Angushth Asana- how to do| balanced all prana | meditation | health

What was once to be thought primitive has now proven beneficial. The ancient yogis must be given credit as they had more knowledge about our bodies, mind and soul than we have today... Yoga is chiefly a process of self-culture, compassion, self-restraint and mental equipoise. Yoga is holistic approach towards the individual and covers many benefits at any stage of life. Asanas can burn calories, enhances flexibility and reduce osteoporosis of bones. Asanas are intended for physical growth as well as spiritual expansion. An aspirant can see a difference within a few months of practice and once he/she gets in the habit of yoga it can easily become a part of their life. Pada-Angushth asana, the name is derived from Sanskrit word pada means ‘foot’, and Angushth means ‘toe’. Pada- Angushth asana is a little difficult to perform for beginners but after a few days of practices one will easily be able do it. Pada-angushth asana enhances the prana-energy in the body; the prana flo