Maha mudra-How to do | Spiritual benefits | Health | Enhances Ida, Pingla and Sushumna Nadis

The human body is a store house of divine virtues and the mudras are the tools to easily explore those virtues within. Meditation, mantra chanting and doing yoga aims to acquire a higher consciousness and if mudras are added into the mix then spiritual growth definitely becomes easier.  Mudras enhance constancy, makes one stronger and composed within the mind so that one can properly attain the cosmic impression retrieved for higher spiritual growth. The mudras are being divided into two groups, in the first group comprises of mudras which strengthen glands and hormones, whereas, the second groups comprises with thirteen important mudras that affect pranas in the body.

Thirteen mudras which affect the pranas Vayu are Maha mudra, Vajroni mudra, yoni mudra, Shaktichalini mudra, Mahabandha mudra, mahabedha mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Prithvidharna mudra, Jaladharna mudra, Pashini mudra, Agnidharna mudra, Vayavidharna mudra and Akasidharna mudra.  These mudras can be accomplished only with the concentrated mind. If one wants to control pranas and have a balanced flow of prana energy in the body, chakras and in the majors’ organs, will only be possible when the mind stops wondering. Expertise in asanas, pranayama with three important bandhas are the prerequisite to the very basis of the mudras: three bandhas are Mulabandha, uddiyan bandha and jalandhar bandha. Mudras which affecting glands are nabho mudra, khechari mudra, tadagi mudra, manduki mudra, ashwini mudra, kaki mudra, bhujangini mudra, matangini mudra and viparitkari mudra.

The Pranas rush in where the mind stays. Maha mudra helps the prana energy withdraw from the thought process or wondering thoughts and gets inner stream of consciousness ceases swiftly.  Silence and transparency start to express aspirant’s consciousness in refine state of being; and, the mind has to be controlled and works in a more restrained way and each thought becomes more concrete and in such way aspirant gets entire being.

There are three levels of the mind: conscious mind, unconscious mind and super-conscious mind. Conscious mind- which is accompanied with thoughts and emotions that manifest the ego (the “I”) within, all the perceived emotion of being carried forward with the ratio of its perception. While unconscious and super-conscious minds are being free from any ego. So the main task of an aspirant is to compose the mind first at the conscious level by using the breath observation method. Sit in any comfortable posture and observe every breathe in-out with full awareness without judgement for ten minutes daily in the morning and before sleep will facilitate in taming the mind better. Maha mudra is so simple to perform. Through deep inhalation, the prana energy is brought up the cerebrospinal tube to the third eye and after the completion of Maha mudra, the prana energy being brought down to the root chakra. Maha mudra being purified the both Ida and Pingla Nadis along with Sushumna. All the Nadis spring from the Kanda; and, all are the astral tubes: Ida, PIngla and Sushumna are the main Nadis among of all. Maha mudra can be do with all three bandhas like as mula bandha, jalandhar bandha and uddiyan bandha.


Sit in a posture pressing the perineum with the heel of the left foot.

Stretch the right leg forward.

Inhale and retain the breath.

Hold the right toe with both hand.

Holding the breath and bend forward contracting the neck in (the chin is pressed naturally against the chest or jalandhar bandha).

Continue holding the breath and Meditate in between the two eye brow (Third eye and chanting small mantra e.g. Om). While in the bent forward position.

Exhale and Release the mudra slowly as visualize sending the warm prana energy down to the base of the spinal column.

Repeat the entire procedure with the right leg.

Repeat it again for three movement cycle with the both legs.


A sensation or heat may be felt in the spine and the chakras after practicing Maha-mudra as the body stores the energy. This is in fact, the flow of prana energy within body. The mind liberated from the unhealthy thoughts while achieving complete stillness which will further enhance the working in coordination with cosmic energy of other planes and also rectifying the working of the unconscious mind and super-conscious mind.

Maha mudra cures consumption, piles, and enlargement of spleen, gulma, indigestion, fever, constipation and leprosy; and prolonged life.


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