Prana Vayu, the gate way to open super consciousness

In the previous articles we have learnt about the major Prana-vayu within the body named as Prana, Udana (uddiyan), Samana, Vyana and Apana. Today, in a brief succinct manner article deals with Prana-vayu along with the former four Vayu, of which already being discussed in the previous articles. Scientific research describes that prana/cosmic energy is a multidimensional energy comprising of electromagnetic, photonic, thermal and mental energies which permeates all living beings and matter that exist in the insentient world which initiates motion and growth circle by circle. Our entire biological system including the brain, the earth and the Universe itself work on the same frequencies. Prana energy keeps the flow through the Nadis (Nadis are the astral tubes built up of astral matter which carry psychic currents) of that which cannot be seen by naked eyes and these Nadis are quite different from nerves, arteries and vein.
One can easily enhance the power of all seven chakras by employing Yoga’s Mudra, Asanas, and Paranayama. Everyone knows that ours five senses and the sixth sense are manifestations of a sensation, whether it is anger, love or revenge etc., without it life is impossible. Natural law governs through correspondence, vibration/sensation, polarity, cause and effect, mind, gender and rhythm. Without Prana-vayu life is impossible as prana is to be provided sensation within the body; and, root chakra is the store house of these sensation/vibration/ frequencies, whilst expansions of prana being carried out in the heart chakra, and after that it continues towards throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra. In the same way it also affected lower chakra. Only concentration/ awareness upon breathing to be provided the good/right flow of the Prana-vayu. Without proper Prana-vayu another prana in the body are helpless.
A balanced heart chakra gives way to Vyana-Vayu allowing flow of the prana easily within the body to the Sushumna Nadi flowing to upper chakras and balancing emotional and mental aspects of life. Heart chakra comprises with Vyan-vayu, with twelve major Nadi flowing through heart chakra, auric body impression is given by heart chakra, five Prana-vayu and seven chakras being balanced in this energy centre and being provided the way to uplift the kundalini towards crown chakra. 
Udana-vayu is the fourth Prana-vayu among five Prana-vayu in the body and as it positioned in the throat with a circular flow round the neck/throat chakra, upward to the head. Udana-vayu has the function to hold us up third eye and crown chakra, udana keeps the energy’ flow towards the third eye and crown chakra and manifestation spiritual growth. While vyana keeps the flow out of the entire body and expanding to the seven auric body.  Samana-vayu (see previous article) keeps the flow in the navel area in clockwise direction to keep the fire running smoothly and apana keeps the flow downward as it maintains the waste material out of the body to ensure the body is in a state of balance.
Samna-Vayu (balancing air), in the body as it is a centralizing force of energy that draw from the boundary of stomach to the navel and of spiralling movements around the navel area/ Manipuri chakra/ solar plexus in a clockwise direction to maintain the processing and assimilation of all that is taken in the body whether it be food or any emotion. 
Apan-vayu is positioned in the lowermost region (pelvic region) and it encompasses the lower abdomen as it nourishes the organs of digestion, reproduction and elimination of all those substances that are useless for the body.
Here is one meditation that is very simple to undertake to purify/elevate the chakras and the results are remarkable. 
Sit comfortably in a quiet place with your hands on your thighs. Close your eyes and be still 
Charge yourself with fresh air as take three slow deep breaths; breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth.
Watch your breathing during Inhale-exhale and concentrating on the area just below the nose (between the nose and lips) for five to ten minutes in the morning and before going to sleep.


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