
Showing posts from July, 2017

Humans are unique among mammals in several respects

Humans are unique among mammals in numerous respects, and being performed different activities during his life span as compare to mammals. Man is considered as rational human being, but some time ignores his capability and behaves like as irrational at below any beast. If you ever take the time to observe that modern human being, how manipulated worldly affairs and controlled them according to their selfish motive; even their own health issues like right pattern of breathe, regarding diets and way of life are being ignored, on the way getting and spending money. forgot the projecting tasks, which are being assigned by the Almighty to keep balance among nature. Structural and functional features of human body are vast, like as the cells, neurons, tissues, biochemical transports through cell membrane, secretion of hormones and genetic regulations. Even a slight imbalance in the physical body might cause irreparable loss in terms of mind, body and instinct. Modern human ignore

Consciousness is a force that most of us Under Estimate

Consciousness is a force that most of us underestimate. Inner awareness, perception and sharp focus are few characteristics that a conscious person possesses. One may argue or put forward their opinion about the active role consciousness in our life; but the truth is that it always has impact on our daily lives. The quality of the work executed by you is directly proportionate to the focus or level of consciousness you applied on performing it. Even in the most difficult moments or crisis, only a conscious and well thought decision can bail you out of the situation. Here I would like to mention another element i.e. time; the actions must be taken within right time frame for proper and desired results. Only a person with conscious mind and active lifestyle is able to perform this kind of task properly. Happiness, well being and good health is our true manifestation. Happiness is the key to success, accomplishing whatever we set out to do with an inner sense of s

Let yourself open with Yoga. 2

In nature everything is in harmony, being surrounded by it we can perceive it and enhance through visualization and meditation. The solution lies in a return to nature. Yoga is natural way to enhance your capability to perceive things better and moreover eliminate harmful unhealthy bond, further reset your mind and spirit for optimal wellbeing. If you have developed your conscience and if you have taken care of your inner self and strengthened it then you gradually start overcoming all your internal-external fear. During meditation you behold divine vision and divine perception. You feel your strength in the experience of perception. Yoga is the science that teaches the method of joining the human spirit with almighty and confines the mental modifications Prior to knowing, how one could be able to anticipate desired results during meditation session, need to know Chakras. Chakras (7 major chakras) are the psychic centers in the body, being active at all times since birth and u

Let yourself​ open with Yoga

The science of Yoga has its origin thousands of years ago and Shiva has seen as the first ‘Adiyogi’. Yoga was being practiced in the Pre-Vedic period; the great inner-world scientist Maharishi Patanjali systematized existing Yoga practices, its meaning and its related knowledge through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The word YOGA means to union, and it is that process by which the human spirit is brought into near and conscious communication with Divine. The practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.  Yoga manifests courage, strength, wisdom, happiness, enthusiasm and ecstasy. Human being is bound in this world by desires, restless, discontented, comforts and manifold anxieties, consequence as; a life is slowly decaying and meets its doom. Since the inceptions of the International Yoga Day June 21, 2015, opinion about this science are shifting fast Yoga today is widely accepted as a wellness science by and for everyo