Humans are unique among mammals in several respects

Humans are unique among mammals in numerous respects, and being performed different activities during his life span as compare to mammals. Man is considered as rational human being, but some time ignores his capability and behaves like as irrational at below any beast. If you ever take the time to observe that modern human being, how manipulated worldly affairs and controlled them according to their selfish motive; even their own health issues like right pattern of breathe, regarding diets and way of life are being ignored, on the way getting and spending money. forgot the projecting tasks, which are being assigned by the Almighty to keep balance among nature.

Structural and functional features of human body are vast, like as the cells, neurons, tissues, biochemical transports through cell membrane, secretion of hormones and genetic regulations. Even a slight imbalance in the physical body might cause irreparable loss in terms of mind, body and instinct. Modern human ignore their health issues. e.g. Most people with insidious disease have no idea that they are infected. Insidious disease: - causing harm in a way that is ongoing or not easily observed. Stress is connected with just more than heart disease and gastro intestinal, dysfunctions and assorted stomach distress. Sleep problems are directly related to irritable bowel syndrome which comprises firstly with stress and unbalance hormones. Practicing meditation along with Aasana, can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, further facilitates you to focus on pursuing the life that you want to lead. By perseverance, devotion and steady practice, success comes in meditation after a short time.

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland located at the front of the thyroid cartilage endocrine gland on each side of the trachea, connected below the larynx by a thin isthmus of tissue, the secretion of which regulates the rates of metabolism and body growth.

The thyroid gland secretes three hormones: (1) thyroxin- which regulates the metabolic rate. (2) triodothyronine- which controls the growth, development, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. (3) calcitonin- helps to regulate the blood’s calcium and phosphate levels.

These hormones increase the metabolic rate of the body and increase heat production and maintain basal metabolic rate, thyroxin affects the physiology of excretion. Its deficiency causes decreased urine output. In this situation drink more water to balancing hormones.

Breathing is a process which generally ignored, even though it is one of the most vital functions of the body. Man is born with his breath, being man’s soul companion who connected with the universal consciousness and perform worldly affairs, but all associated his breathing senses.

Meditation: Sit in a comfortable position, if possible cross-legged with eyes closed. Take three breaths in and out feel any tension in the body releases. Now take a deep breathe in and out through the mouth (10 breaths). Sit for a couple of minutes and now take you focus on the throat Chakra, feel what is happening. Practice regularly for as long as time permits.

Breath absorbed by thought under the control of the will is an energizing, revived force which can be utilized intentionally for self-development. Breathe purify the Nadi manifesting good health and longevity. 

Four poses prescribed for meditation padmasana, siddhasana, svastikasana and sukhsana


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