
Showing posts from February, 2019

Garud asana | how to do | How-It named after the bird Eagle | concentration and health

Garud asana is a standing posture named after the bird Garud or eagle , very simple yet very beneficial among all the standing asanas as it makes the legs and waist flexible as well as curing disorders of the legs, genitals, arms, shoulders and entire spine. The eagle represents a symbol of beauty, bravery, courage, determination and self-efficacy which makes it unique among the world’s largest birds of prey. Eagle is known for his chiselled vision, fearless as it loves storm gliding higher and higher without using their energy with an ability to lock wings in a fixed direction in the midst of fierce storm winds and enjoy every minute by observing all. The eagle takes on all challenges rather than running away. As per their motto ‘no retreat no surrender , the garud asana provides you with all the attributes of eagle including how to combat with adverse atmosphere, the eagle alone as will face the situation without any help from others birds. Kati chakra, Bhuja chakr

Sleep | sound sleep brings longevity and improves digestion and enhance all glands | how to enhance Pineal and pituitary glands | Sleeping Tips

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Sleep is the natural condition of rest resulting from the pause of one’s bodily functions. Sleep manifests when the body, mind and nervous system are inactive; the postural muscles relaxed and consciousness suspended. The sense organs such as nose, ears, tongue and skin are standing apart from their respective objects of smell, sound, sight, taste and sensations and the mind being shifted from conscious to unconscious state. During deep sleep the unconscious mind becomes active and balances positive and negative prana energy in the body while the entire body repairs itself and the mind get rests and rejuvenated for the next day’s work. There is a direct link between the mind and sensory organs that are maintained continuously throughout the day to allow human beings to perform a day’s work efficiently. So, when the mind is exhausted, the chain of link between the mind and senses is broken, and a

Shirsha Asana | right way to do | How shirsha asana cures hairs problem |stimulates blood circulation

One of the most important and balancing asana, where the head and forearms make contact with the ground while the body is completely reversed and the flow of blood goes towards the head brings tremendous benefits.   Shirsha asana is also known as the handstand. It is one of the most beneficial asanas’ for both the body and mind, by reversing the normal effects of gravity it enhances blood circulation in the body, improves the sensory faculties and provides concentration, memory and longevity. Every nerve of the body is closely connected with the brain and twelves pairs of cranium nerves proceed from both hemispheres through the skull to the entire body and being benefited. Shirsha asana, the name is derived from Sanskrit word’ sirs’’ means head, and asana means ‘pose’. Shirsha asana is a little difficult to perform for beginners but after a few days of practices one will easily be able to do it. The Brain, major organ, the part of the central nervous system enclosed in t

How to do Padam Asana | How Padam asana is benificial to do in winter

Padam asana, siddha asana, Swastika asana and sukh asana; these are the four asanas which are prescribed for the purposes of meditation and spiritual growth. Aspirant can sit in any one of four asanas at a stretch for more than one hour with steady mind and acquire consciousness as well as infinite peace.   Today, we learn about Padam asana. Padam asana is also known as the Lotus position, which is one of the classic postures aimed for meditation and pranayama that attributes one’s spiritual evolution. Padam asana makes the entire body attain a resting state and keeps the prana energy flow more actively in the body. The mind gets rejuvenated as the metabolism slows down and the longer you hold this asana the quicker the major Nadis such as Ida, Pingla and Sushumna become balanced naturally with continual practise. Padam asana makes ankles, knees, hips, spine and neck more flexible along with the nerves of the entire body. For beginners, Padam asana can be difficult to p