Shirsha Asana | right way to do | How shirsha asana cures hairs problem |stimulates blood circulation

One of the most important and balancing asana, where the head and forearms make contact with the ground while the body is completely reversed and the flow of blood goes towards the head brings tremendous benefits.  Shirsha asana is also known as the handstand. It is one of the most beneficial asanas’ for both the body and mind, by reversing the normal effects of gravity it enhances blood circulation in the body, improves the sensory faculties and provides concentration, memory and longevity. Every nerve of the body is closely connected with the brain and twelves pairs of cranium nerves proceed from both hemispheres through the skull to the entire body and being benefited. Shirsha asana, the name is derived from Sanskrit word’ sirs’’ means head, and asana means ‘pose’. Shirsha asana is a little difficult to perform for beginners but after a few days of practices one will easily be able to do it.

The Brain, major organ, the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of man and other vertebrates. Brain is a convoluted mass of nervous tissues that made up of soft grey and white matter which is serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions. The three membranes’ which surround the brain are

·         Dura matter- the tough, fibrous membrane forming the outermost of the three coverings of the brain and spinal cord,

·         Pia matter- the connective tissue containing a network of blood vessels which nourishes all parts of the brain

·         Arachnoid- resembling a spider’s web and belonging to the arachnids

Below the arachnoid there is space that contains the cerebrospinal fluid which protects the brain from any injury, a fine membrane around the brain. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and Pons varolii are the four sections of the brain.  

The cerebrum, which consists of the right and left cerebral hemispheres joined by the corpus callosum, is the place of most conscious and intellectual activities; and, shirsha asana stimulate blood circulation and as more blood is supplied to the brain particularly the forehead, pituitary and pineal glands, and gets sufficient prana energy. Shirsha asana refreshes the cardiovascular and lymphatic system which allows prana energy to flow to the third eye and exhibits strength, and balancing the others hormones in the body also.

Shirsha asana:

Make a comfortable seat with blanket or soft cousin on the ground and ensure it is not very high or too soft.

Make a finger-lock by interweaving the fingers firmly of your hands and keep it at forearms on the seat.

Place crossed fingers on the ground up to your elbow.

Place the forehead between crossed fingers of your hands smoothly.

Join your legs in front of you straight on the ground as keeps apart half meter from head and while forehead be fixed in between crossed fingers.

Make sure elbows to be fixed of position.

Raise your legs up slowly over your head till the body turn into vertically straight as balancing weight of the body on the forehead.

Remain in this position for half minute.

Bring legs back down slowly without any jerk and the head should remain on the ground without putting any pressure or sudden movements as you protect your head by crossed fingers.

Lie down on the ground and relax in child pose or shav asana for few minutes.

Beginners are advised to do shirsha asana against a wall to avoid the danger of falling.


Shirsha asana stimulates blood circulation and as more blood is supplied to the brain, it cures hairs problem whether falling problems or changing its colours. Shirsha asana is beneficial for the eyes, sense organs and strengthening all organs in the body.


Harmful when it is not practiced properly. Harmful for those having high blood pressure, glaucoma, detached retina and overweight. In hot days, it should be done just a few seconds, if temperatures soar to 40 degrees then avoid it. If you feel giddiness avoid it.  You can do more in the winter or as per of your stamina.


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