Layers of the Mind, journey from Consciousness to super conciousness

“The mind is everything. What you think you become” Buddha
To perceive things better is an observation. The observation unfolds the entire reality of the mind and body as well as bring perfect repose to both every time, with practise. The real wisdom that brings real changes in one’s life would be come through this observation only. Observation is the one and only tool that will control  the three folds of the mind-stuff for the higher state of existence/super consciousness/ no-mind. This is the teaching of Buddha.
Along with the physical process there is the psychic process, the mind and it comprises of four processes such like as conscious, perception, sensation and reaction. The Mind comprises of three layers; the conscious, the unconscious and the super-conscious. All of these layers have different functions to perform within the body. Conscious mind always brings about our ego- the ‘I’ and has an awareness of the objects within; and takes in raw material from the all senses accordingly to our own perception. Every thought and every emotion is accompanied and conveyed by corresponding sensations within the body and this sensation is an indispensable to sustaining the life here and further to exploring the truth in depth when an aspirant/seeker wants to develop the higher state of consciousness. 
Consciousness is the first stage of the mind that brought life into existence and it is inbuilt into ego/ ‘I’ but the unconsciousness state of the mind completely differs from the conscious mind as it is a hard disk of the mind and so works for storage of all the information that is taken in during the course of time, creation and recreation of the instincts of one being acted upon in the unconscious mind only. That is why this instinct becomes hard and difficult to rectify further, if one wants to or needs to correct the bad habit then one must employ intensive concentration/observation to correct the bad habits. 
Every thought-emotion goes together with a corresponding sensation within the body.  Actually, there are threefold changes in the mind, stuff has to form, time and state; and it has being correlates with three Guna-Vrittis also. So the transformation that which is acted upon threefold attributes to getting changed and being manifested always. Real wisdom that will bring about a change in one’s life by changing the very nature of the mind; and this changes is starting with the transformation of the three Guan and Vrittis of the mind like as-from Tamas (inertia) guna to Rajas (passion) guna and Rajas to Sattva (light, bliss and goodness) guna and conscious to super consciousness.
Super consciousness is the higher state of the mind compared to the other two and at this level, ‘I’ is of no importance at all because the ego dissolved itself. This is the reality of the mind and matter that is changing and impermanent; ever moment whether it is good or bad of the mind, so the mental function appear and disappear. Unconscious mind beneath the conscious mind gives support to conscious mind so as to provide all the information being stored in it during concentrated efforts and in this way can easily draw the perceived data from it. Body acted through unconscious mind and all the body activities and body movements and organs performances depend upon unconscious mind, further it becomes the cause of habits, skill and intellectual faculty, while it is free from any ‘I’ or ‘ego’ just like as super conscious state of mind.
All the true aspirant has sought liberation from matter and strive to acquire this state of existence and it is possible through step by step to gain control over the mind with constant meditation as using the tool of observation within. 
To be continue with meditation technique…..


  1. Very nice. Abhi Buddha ke bare me study kar raha tha

  2. I understand the diffrence between conscious n unconscious mind by reading this wonderful article.
    Thanks for giving us such informative articles

  3. Informative. Nicely explained the three layers of the mind

  4. thirsting for more and less always and so content with this moment

  5. I get the knowledge of three layers of mind

  6. बहुत सुंदर एवं सटीक विश्लेषण किया है आपने! सोच और दिमाग की उन्मुक्त दौड़ पर कैसे काबू पाया जाए, इसके लिए भी इसी तरह का कोई योगा है क्या?
    कृपया मार्गदर्शन करें!
    धन्यवाद 🙏


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