Let yourself open with Yoga. 2

In nature everything is in harmony, being surrounded by it we can perceive it and enhance through visualization and meditation. The solution lies in a return to nature. Yoga is natural way to enhance your capability to perceive things better and moreover eliminate harmful unhealthy bond, further reset your mind and spirit for optimal wellbeing. If you have developed your conscience and if you have taken care of your inner self and strengthened it then you gradually start overcoming all your internal-external fear.
During meditation you behold divine vision and divine perception. You feel your strength in the experience of perception. Yoga is the science that teaches the method of joining the human spirit with almighty and confines the mental modifications Prior to knowing, how one could be able to anticipate desired results during meditation session, need to know Chakras. Chakras (7 major chakras) are the psychic centers in the body, being active at all times since birth and until death, whether we are conscious or unconscious or even during sleep.

Ajna Chakra (3rd eye) is situated within the Subhuman Nadi(nerve) and its corresponding centre in the physical body is at the space between the two eye-brows and it attributes light, sound and vibration( of vibratory energy travelling fast without an atmospheric medium for its transmission), where the pineal and pituitary glands lies. But the five chakras have been located down below the mind itself. The pineal gland and pituitary glands are considered to be the most important glands in the endocrine system.
Major results of the modern research on the pineal and pituitary gland concern the extraction and analysis of hormones such as melatonin, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphin of which manifests further balanced sex, happiness, natural pain killer. Hormones affect the activities of the neurons and play a part in controlling the process of sleeping. The report confines itself to known and verifiable facts. Brain chemical such as: Dopamine responsible for intense pleasure; Oxytocin: as the love hormone Serotonin: a natural mood enhances Endorphin: a natural pain killer All of these powerful brain chemical make us feel more alive, healthier and more enthusiastic. The mental powers could be awaken and made sharper. Just need to concentration on 3rd eye, likewise you will able to bring to cultivate keener vision and appreciate more fully the beauty that the 3rd eye to offer. Through yoga as to make use of third eye chakra to refine and rouse the mental and intellectual capabilities are possible. Find somewhere quiet and meditate as needed and start doing for yourself so that you open yourself up to your senses.


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