Consciousness is a force that most of us Under Estimate

Consciousness is a force that most of us underestimate. Inner awareness, perception and sharp focus are few characteristics that a conscious person possesses. One may argue or put forward their opinion about the active role consciousness in our life; but the truth is that it always has impact on our daily lives. The quality of the work executed by you is directly proportionate to the focus or level of consciousness you applied on performing it. Even in the most difficult moments or crisis, only a conscious and well thought decision can bail you out of the situation. Here I would like to mention another element i.e. time; the actions must be taken within right time frame for proper and desired results. Only a person with conscious mind and active lifestyle is able to perform this kind of task properly.

Happiness, well being and good health is our true manifestation. Happiness is the key to success, accomplishing whatever we set out to do with an inner sense of satisfaction that we have done it. Each thought lets us inform through energy, and energy manifests into our experience’s, in the form of inner-outer world reality around us. Inner peace begins the moment we choose not to allow any distractions, state of diffidence, temptation and events to control our emotions. Knowingly or unknowingly, these evils are being plotted by us to destroy our peace of mind brewing towards our rest.  

Yoga is the science that yields happiness to all, keeps the body free of diseases and moreover, unites mind with Almighty soul. Pious, just humane, temperate, dignified and uniform are attributes of refined concentration, is edifying to all around who practice it.

Hatha Yoga: - literal meaning of Ha –sun (right nostril, hot nerve, pingla), while tha-moon (left nostril, lunar nerve, ida). These nerves have their own importance for manifesting concentration of the mind and awakening of the psychic powers in the body and further balancing the major chakras and hormones.

Seven fold follows of Hatha Yoga: shat-karma (6 practices, whole body cleansing), Asana (postures for strength and flexibility), Mudra (postures, meditation), pranayama (breathing, lightness), dhyana(meditation), Samadhi(trance).Seven fold follows of Hatha Yoga: 
1. Shat-karma (6 practices, whole body cleansing).
 2. Asana (postures for strength and flexibility). 
3. Mudra (postures, meditation) 
4.Pranayama (breathing, lightness).
 5. Dhyana(meditation). 
6.  Samadhi (trance). 

 Shat-karam is being two kinds for purification like as Antar-Dhautifor internal cleaning while Bhahir-Dhauti for external cleaning. Danta Dhauti could be used for cleaning the teeth, Jihva Dhauti for cleaning the tongue, Karan Dhauti for cleaning the ears, Mula Sadhana Dhauti for cleaning the anus.

Basti: Sithala Bhasti and Jala Basti. An advanced student can do Basti; and should be done in the morning. It purifies blood and others body organ e.g. liver, spleen, inteatines and piles. 

 Neti is intended for the purification of the nostrils. Irregular breathing will remove as you apply it or whenever you find that nostril is blocked. This can be practiced by a fine piece of thread about 12 inches long after that you could do with lukewarm water. Drawing water from left nostril and ejecting it through this right nostril is known as Seet-Karma. Drawing water from the mouth and ejecting through the nose vice versa. 

4Nauli is generally done while standing for edifying regenerating, stimulating and vitalizing the abdominal viscera and alimentary system. After mastering Uddiyana, one is ready to attempt Nauli. It gives a sharper appetite, better vision and physical tone.

Tratka is steady gazing at a particular object without winking. Being two kinds: inner and outer. It enhances concentration, visual power and perception further useful for the students of Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Janan Yoga and Raja Yoga.

Kapalbhati is the last in the list of the Shat-karma. Kapala is head and bhati is to is not paranayama. It consists only of Rechaka (exhaling) and Puraka(breathing in, inhaling), being done after the neti , jal neti(water) for longevity and keeps the body and mind  fit or  fresh ; hold a considerable spiritual value as well. 


  1. Seven fold follows of Hatha Yoga: shat-karma (6 practices, whole body cleansing), Asana (postures for strength and flexibility), Mudra (postures, meditation), pranayama (breathing, lightness), dhyana(meditation), Samadhi(trance).Seven fold follows of Hatha Yoga:
    1. Shat-karma (6 practices, whole body cleansing).
    2. Asana (postures for strength and flexibility).
    3. Mudra (postures, meditation)
    4.Pranayama (breathing, lightness).
    5. Dhyana(meditation).
    6. Samadhi (trance).

    i like this

  2. Very good, but needs to adopt by everyone.

  3. Well written and full of information. Keep it up sir


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