Kapậla bhậti; How, keeps the body fit and prolongs life, helps to attain trance like state

Hath yoga comprises of seven practices that gets the aspirant to attain not only internal purification of the body but also external. The words hatha has two Sanskrit’s syllables, Ha means sun and Tha means moon. Sun and moon are related to the major Nadis Ida and Pingla; Ida is a lunar Nadi and Pingla is a solar Nadi, connected to the left and right nostrils respectively. Nadis are the astral tubes that carry psychic currents and the body is filled with such innumerable Nadis that would be between 72000 to 3, 50,000 which cannot be seen by the naked eye and are quite different from nerves, arteries and vein. Among them, are some Nadis which are said to be very important known as  Sushumna, Ida, Pingla, Gandhari, Kuhu, Saraswati, Gandhari, Pusha, Varuni, Payasvini, Sankhini, Yasasvini, Vishvodhara and Alambusha.

Sushumna, Ida, and Pingla are the most important of all. The spine is formed of a series of 33 vertebrae that have cervical (7 vertebrae), dorsal (12), lumbar (5 vertebrae), sacral (5 vertebrae) and coccygeal (4 vertebrae). The Chakras are connected with the spine known as the energy centres of the body. Ida Nadi is on the left side of the spine, Pingla on the right side and Sushumna passes through the hollow cylindrical cavity of the vertebrae column.

Hatha yoga, Laya yoga, Raj yoga and mantra yoga are the main forms of yoga. Seven fold practices of hatha yoga for physical strength and mental perfection are called Shat-karma( Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Trataka, and Kapậla bhti) for cleaning the body, asana for strength, Mudra for steadiness, Pranayama for lightness, Pratyahara for determination, Dhyana (Meditation) for clear awareness of the self and Samadhi (trance) for ultimate bliss.

Kapla Bhti is the last of the shat karma; kapla is head and bhậti is to shine. Kapậla bhậti consists of Rechaka (exhaling) and Puraka (inhaling) only. To practice, 2 to 5 minutes only are recommended and to do after Neti. There are two ways to practice Kapậla-Bhati, a slow method and rapid method. As it holds a considerable spiritual values along with physical. Jala Neti and dugdh Neti (milk) are recommended by the experts to the practitioner of kapậla bhati for better results. Nose serves a vital function in the breathing process as three Nadis run through it, the. Ida, Pingla and Sushumna. Kapậla bhậti strengthens the pineal and pituitary glands and entire brain. It also helps the nose by strengthening the temperature regulator; increasing hormonal secretion as well as toning the body along with beautifying the skin. 

Kapậla bhati keeps the body fit and prolongs life.

Steps to follow: process 1.

1. Sit comfortably and keep your back straight.

Close your right nostril with your thumb of right hand.

Inhale through the left nostril until you have filled your lungs, this should take about 1 to 2 seconds.

Close the left nostril with your two fingers middle and ring of your right hand while opening the right nostril.

Exhale slowly through the right nostril slowly until all air has been released, this should take about 2 to 3 seconds.

The breathing should be quick and gradual without holding the breath.

Do the same with your right nostril as inhaling through the right nostril and taking out through the left nostril.

Repeat by alternating between the nostrils.

2. Now inhale through the left nostril and inhalation and exhalation should be performed rapidly by the right nostril for 10 times. Do the same with the left nostril.

Two minutes are enough in the beginning and build up to 10 minutes.

It can be done when both the nostrils are open and can be done by using both nostrils, sitting in the siddhasana or comfortable posture by using Mulabandha and partial uddiyan bandha. Perform exhalation rapidly; in kapậla bhậti exhalation should be done forcibly and quickly.  

Process 2.

Exhalation is the prime factor of the exercise; and while inhalation is only the auxiliary part of kapậla bhậti. Inhalation and exhalation are rapidly done through both nostrils simultaneously. Exhalation should be done forcibly and quickly by contracting the abdominal muscles with backward push. A vigorous practice of it just for a few minutes would vibrate every tissue of the body; and the diaphragm recedes into the thoracic cavity by expelling all the air from lungs, the abdominal viscera will be recalibrate easily.

Generally three round are carry out at each sitting and twice a day enough and as ten or more may be added each week; that finally 120 expulsions can be done at each round.


It helps to awaken certain nerve centres and further makes the practices of the pranayama more efficiently by quieting the respiratory centre. A few minutes are enough to induce a trance state when the aspirant has fully mastered the practice. It purify all the Nadis of the body.


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