How to increase your immunity | what is the pH scale | How Yoga and alkaline diets keep the immunity better

What does the pH scale mean?

The pH scale provides a measure on a scale from 0 to 14 of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Our body works within a pH range of 7.0 to 7.8; all organisms can survive only in a narrow range of pH (7.0 to 7.8) scale. The pH scale measures of the acidity below pH 7, while basicity (above pH 7) of the solution in which the solvent is water. The pure water is neither acidic nor basic and has a pH. of 7. The blood has pH. of 7.40. Some symptoms of acidic (pH scale below 7) include chronic fatigue, headaches, depression, muscles-joint pain-stiffness and sluggishness. And if you have kidneys stones issues and low bone density; then you should be strictly advised diminishing intake of acidic foods because these issues associated with high body acidity levels; would stand to reason blood should have pH value of 7.40. Alkaline food having a pH greater than 7; food and nutrition that of enhancing the health, and such diets optimize the body and health efficiently. Each and particular food that we put into our bodies will affect us that entirely depends upon the characteristics of that distinct food items. So, always be aware of what we are consuming must be moderation.

In the ancient Ayurveda, Veda (doctor) would examine the patient to determine their temperaments such as Kapha, pita and Vayu and if any dosh (imbalance) has found, and then the goal of the Veda (doctor) has been to achieve balance in the body of five pranas Vayu along with balancing Kapha, pita and Vayu aforementioned in the previous articles. They have a proper understanding of ancient medical science would integral to maintain overall excellent health. 

The kidney and lungs regulate the pH. Level; the lungs can make modifications to the overall acid and base level of the blood, and kidneys are either of two bean-shaped excretory organs which filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine. The pH scale of blood is 7.40 and below of it and above the value of pH only confers the grave medical conditions; are termed acidosis or alkalosis in nature; which, depending on what direction the imbalance goes on. Acidosis has abnormally high acidity of the blood and other body tissues; while alkalosis has abnormally high alkalinity of the blood and other body tissues. 

The digestive system and tooth decaying depend on the pH. Scale; Bacteria present in the mouth produce acids by the degradation of sugar and food particles remaining in the mouth after eating. It is worthwhile to rinse the mouth with water or use kinds of toothpaste to clean the teeth and neutralise the excess acid to help prevent tooth decay.

 Rubber Neti, Jal-Neti, Gajkarni-Neti and Siddha-Neti are practised with a little salty water as it possesses the same pH-7 that will obtain the same outcome. Pranayama directly helps to sustain the blood pure as lungs and other organs of the body refresh after being getting sufficient oxygen by controlling the act of breathing that can efficiently purify the Nadis and gain control over it. 

Best pranayama

Anuloma viloma






The best nutrition in every phase can help us to avoid common health problems.

Health issues like obesity, hypothyroidism, depression, hypertension, cardiovascular and cancer have become common diseases affecting all age groups.

Changing your diet 

The vitamins and minerals boost the immune system. So, always be the focus on nutrition diets that should be rich in vitamin (the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K that to be dissolved in fat and can be stored in the body); vitamin C and D are water-soluble and need a fresh supply of both vitamins every day; and minerals and immunity builders such as garlic, ginger and turmeric are also helpful. Ensure, you have a daily intake of good protein foods along with a salad of raw vegetables each day.

The lemon is a natural metabolism booster, and the green tea and ginger tea also boost your energy and immunity. The nutrients diets like anthocyanin are more appealing should intake in a moderate amount. Anthocyanin is a water-soluble red to violet plant pigments related to the flavonoids. The red cabbage, blueberries, raspberry, black rice and soybean comes in this group.


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