Udana-Vayu, Keeps the Energy Towards Third Eye and makes your perception meaningful

In the previous article we have learnt about Samana-vayu and its working and benefits. Today, in a brief but succinct manner article deals with the Udana-vayu. For seeker who wish to cut through the dross, some efforts of the will be required. Udana-vayu is the fourth Prana-vayu among five Prana-vayu in the body and as it positioned in the throat with a circular flow round the neck/throat chakra, upward to the head. Udana-vayu has the function to hold us up third eye and crown chakra, udana keeps the energy’ flow towards the third eye and crown chakra and manifestation spiritual growth. While vyana keeps the flow out of the entire body and expanding to the seven auric body.  Samana-vayu (see previous article) keeps the flow in the navel area in clockwise direction to keep the fire running smoothly and apana keeps the flow downward as it maintains the waste material out of the body to ensure the body is in a state of balance.
The energy of palms, feet, others chakras or the efficiency of hormones originates from the heart (Vyan-vayu) and related to the air element. This further produces positive polarity, crown chakras are related to positive energy (North Pole) and feet chakra and root chakras related to be negative energy (South Pole). So in the heart chakra both the poles meet each other to make the life meaning full to drive the life in the external-internal world. External world in this context means materialist world and outer world means the spiritual world. Vyana, sub-prana dhananjaya-Vayu (attributing to opening the heart valves, muscles of the heart) and heart chakra drives the life. Prana energy keeps the flow through the Nadis (Nadis are the astral tubes built up of astral matter which carry psychic currents) and that cannot be seen by naked eyes and these Nadis are quite different from nerves, arteries and veins.
Of these, there are three Nadis of particular importance like Ida, Pingla and Sushumna of 72000-35000 Nadis; Ida and Pingla normally being active in human being throughout their life but Sushumna Nadi of which having spiritual importance to be more active in sadhaka/yogi and those one who having some control over their breathing and perception and he well aware of his action-reaction and of having potential to keep his/her energy in to perceive the things in its original forms.
Breathing is a simple mechanical and physical function performed by the physical body automatically. But in yogic practices the breath is a process which can be controlled for extra-sensory, the sublime of major seven chakras along with remaining small chakras, connected with the invisible realm of nature. Right breathing establishes consistency in the breath manifesting introversion, concentration, meditation and transcendence. Bringing a balance between two life forces (Ida and Pingla Nadis /left cold Nadi of nostril and right hot Nadi of nostril) in the body that would attribute to balancing the Prana-vayu in the body as well as enhancing all major hormones within the body, the pineal and pituitary glands in the third eye, thyroxin (which regulate the metabolic rate), triiodothyronine (which control the growth of the body) and calcining (which helps to regulate the blood’s calcium and phosphate levels) to
Udana-vayu would be balanced through Paranayama, in previous articles that is defined in detail. Ujjayi pranayama is one of the best pranayama that helps Udana-vayu (hissing breath), and helps calm the mind and warm the body. It helps to increase concentration/awareness in the present moment within a fraction of second. It enables you to link your body, mind and soul to the present.
Sit in a comfortable place in any posture but spine must be erect.
Clear mind. Focus on your breathing. 
Breathe through your nose allowing throat to slightly contract if need be.
Allow your lungs to be filled with the fresh air. Following the breath as you breathe in and out


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