Nadi Shudhi pranayma, bhastrika kumbhaka and Anna Panna | How to get full energy within ten minutes

Yoga is primarily a means of self-culture that intended to gain well health and self-realization; yoga can help to obtain self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-introspection, and further keeping one more alive all-day-long workout. Yoga is a form of physical exercise which is acknowledged worldwide; but, the practices of yoga have a spiritual aspect too, that only a few have known. We become more aware and concentrate precisely on the things ahead, in touch with what we needed to do to live our lives to the fullest. Yoga is a physical practice that aims at drawing the mind into the present; and, therein lies its spirituality. 

Nadi sudhhi (cleansing) is an initial task in the early stages of yoga when practising pranayama. Practising of pranayama brings about quick purification of all the astral Nadis within the body. So, through exercising of Nadi Sudhi pranayama you can gain control over the breath which can easily control the subtle Prana Vayu within the body's organs, the muscles, and the spinal cord. Yoga sharpens awareness that brings one close to reality which is the principal aim of pranayama, which has to be learnt through the pranayama technique with the impeccable discipline to tame the breath. 

Sit in Padam asana, or siddha asana.

Nadi shudhi pranayama:

Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and breathe in slowly, and filling the stomach with the air as it comes from of your left nostril and be ensure stomach will be expanding outside as filling the air in it.

Now close the left nostril with the ring finger and small finger as well and hold the breath comfortably.

Exhale slowly from the right nostril by keeping your left nostril closed with small and ring finger. Now breathe in and out from the right nostril for 10 breathes. Then close the right nostril and hold the breath comfortably and then exhale slowly from the left nostril.

Repeat all the above steps three times, and ensure that the last breath you take is exhaling from your left nostril.

Relax for some time.


Quite safe as compare to other types of the pranayama as it cures all types of problems such like as constipation, falling hairs, eyes problem, concentration, laziness, back pain, stomach problems and nervous system etc. This pranayama removes all diseases as it purifies the Nadis, improve digestion and blood-circulation and provides enthusiasm.

The accelerated sequence of vigorous expulsion is a feature of Bhastrika. Bhastrika word derived from 'Sanskrit' language and means bellows; just like as the blacksmith blows bellows swiftly to increase the flow of the wind to fire or raising the rate of combustion. Bhastrika removes expansion of the throat and increases the gastric fire, and has to be aimed at balancing Samana Vayu near of navel area; all sort of diseases that may be caused by the wind corrected. The Most effective pranayama among four asanas; that enables prana energy to break through the three Granthis (knot). Beneficial for the stomach as it tunes and helps to reduce the size of the stomach within a few days when to be done accurately. The following is the sequence of Bhastrika kumbhaka that to be performed as removed toxins from the organs of the body.

Steps to follow

Sit in Padam asana or comfortable asana.

Close the mouth.

Inhale and exhale quickly for twenty times like the bellows of a blacksmith.

A hissing sound produced when it practised.

Continually expand and contract the chest while inhaling and exhaling.

Ten expulsions are enough for a beginner; take a rest for one minute after each expulsion and then repeat a further for the three times.


Bhastrika makes respiration easier, further strengthen the heart, lungs and purifies the blood, prevent, correct and delays the ageing process and promotes longevity and likewise induces sound sleep, along with, checks on the fatigue and tiredness of the body. Improves the stamina and immunity to withstand physical and mental disturbances.

 One technique that can help you connect with your breath and calm the mind is the Anna Panna from Vipassana; is a way to gain the insight within, one can attain freedom from all the conditioning of unhealthy bonds that are being buried in the unconscious mind since ages. This is a technique taught by Buddha. 


  1. Firstly sit with legs crossed in a quiet comfortable place. (Shawl or blanket is advisable as you may get cold after some time). 
  2. Close your eyes. 
  3. Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in and then breathing out naturally, do not force the breath. Just observe how your breath enters the body and leave the body through the nostrils.
  4. Do this for a few breaths.
  5. Then bring your attention to the area just between the Nose and the upper lip. Feel how the breath flows in this area, how does the area itself feel. Are then any sensations or tingling. Again, do not force any feeling or sensations, be only observe.
  6. To begin with, you may not feel anything, do not worry, keep focused, and continue to just observe. Focus on the whole area between the nose and the upper lip. 
  7. Continue this for five minutes, and of increasing the time to an hour if possible. If limited time is available please ensure 15 minutes are done at least. 
  8. And If at the beginning you feel nothing, after doing this practice for some days you will start to feel and observe things. The reason some people can feel and some can’t, all depends on how calm their mind is or how much awareness they have to begin with. The calmer the mind or more aware the person is the quicker they will be able to sense what is going on. All goes back to sensitivity. However, with practice and time, sensitivity can be increased. 

Tip: It is always good to keep a diary of what you felt during this mediation and see how it impacts you.


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