Thyroid Gland | Autoimmune Diseases | Immune system | Yoga

The thyroid gland and immune system

The thyroid gland is located near the base of the neck and any of several closely related compounds that are produced by the thyroid gland, and are active metabolically. It secretes hormones; these hormones regulate the body's metabolism of controlling the rate at which burns energy, quickly the reaction occurs. Thyroid-stimulating- hormone anterior pituitary hormone that stimulates the function of the thyroid gland thyrotropin. (Thyrotrophic hormone; thyrotrophin; thyrotrophic hormone; (TSH)). The pituitary gland (the master gland of the endocrine system) lies in the head and controlled brilliance, intellect, enthusiasm, sentiments of love and affection, self-restraint. The magic of the ductless gland has still attracted researchers from all biomedical and allied science.

While thyroid gland executes a role in maintaining mental stability and enthusiasm; harmonious activity supports the development of talents. The thyroid released the hormones that assist in regulating the essential functions of the body including regulation of breathing, body weight, heart rate, muscles strength, body temperature, the central and peripheral nervous system and cholesterol levels.


Thyromegaly abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from underproduction or overproduction of hormone or a deficiency of iodine in the diet. Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland; and a glandular disorder resulting from a deficient production of thyroid hormones; underactive thyroid gland is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce sufficient hormones. The thyroid gland makes a hormone known thyroxine which contains iodine and if any deficiency of it in the body causes a disease of goitre; the function of the thyroid gland is to control the rate of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body, there are four small kinds of parathyroid glands are embedded in the thyroid gland. Parathyroid glands secrete a hormone parathormone is to regulate calcium, phosphate levels in the blood. Thymus gland secretes thymus hormone of the immune system of the body.

Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid gland, and pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones occurs. Hyperthyroid symptoms include shortness in breathing, irregular heartbeat, loss of consciousness and protrusion of the eyes. Osteoporosis is a frequent result of hyperthyroidism. During stress and anxiety which happens, a large amount of thyroid hormone gets released. Exercising, proper diet intake, alkaline diet and focus on getting calcium and sodium can be vitally important in the prevention of hyperthyroidism. Alkaline diet optimizes health.

What are autoimmune diseases?

Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland; resulting in a malfunction of the endocrine system associated with low thyroid hormone levels and most common in middle-aged women; the pieces of information regarding this disease is not yet known fully. Autoimmune diseases are any of a large group of diseases that distinguished by abnormal functioning of the immune system, which will begin to fight against what are the healthy cells and tissues of the body. Commonly, the immune system is producing proteins, which are known as antibodies and are responsible for fighting against foreign invaders in the body; it begins to mistake healthy thyroid cell as their foreign cells virus or bacteria and produces the thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins, and then mistakenly go off to attack healthy thyroid cells. Others among, Autoimmune diseases are rheumatoid, arthritis, diabetes and Mellitus. Glands are any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body; release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream.

Symptoms of the thyroid diseases


Muscle aches


Weight gain


Menstrual disorders


The endocrine glands present in the human body are

 Pineal gland

 Hypothalamus gland

 Pituitary gland

 Thyroid gland

 Parathyroid glands



 Adrenal glands

 Testes (only in males) and Ovaries (only in females).

Having a thyroid issue can make every day more complicating, and any lifestyle modifications can help that include get adequate sleep, best-right eat, regular practice yoga and taking time to relax by the calming mind through meditation.


Ten minutes of keeping in deep meditation are equal to six hours of sound sleep and where oxygen consumption falls to its lower level in meditation proved good results. Breathe performs calmly during a meditation session. Meditation improves tissue mass in the area of the brain of controlling impulses and maintaining attention quickly and helps keep the amygdala (as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behaviour) in balance is a direct relationship between the breath and the senses. Stress and anxiety majorly affect metabolic gland driving the gland to be overworked.

Lifestyle modifications

It is of utmost importance that you get balanced nutritious diets, protein-rich foods, micronutrients and vitamins in diets transport the thyroid hormone to all tissues; healthy diet routine helps in keeping underactive in check. It is essential to keep an eye on your health regarding the thyroid issues as you get older, if, as the years go by, any changes you get quickly to notice based on symptoms of it.

Stress harms the immune-digestive system, and yoga can relieve symptoms associated with hypothyroid and improve the cardio-vascular issues and muscles mass.

Get sufficient sleep

A healthy diet

Regular yoga: Neti, vamana, sarp asana, dhanur asana, agnisar, bandhas, Padam asana, Uttana-pad asana Sarvang asana, pranayama and meditation should be practiced.


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