International Yoga Day 2020 | asanas, pranayamas, mudras, shat-karma and meditation | benifits

The science of Yoga has its origin thousands of years ago; Shiva has seen as the first ‘Adi yogi’. Yoga has practised in the Pre-Vedic period; the great inner-world scientist Maharishi Patanjali established existing Yoga practices, its meaning and its related knowledge through Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The word YOGA means to a union, and it is that process by which the human spirit induced into near the nature of cosmic energy synchronized and conscious communication with Divine. The practice of Yoga begins to the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga manifests courage, strength, wisdom, happiness, enthusiasm and ecstasy. A human being is bound in this world by desires, restless, discontented, comforts and manifold anxieties; consequence as; a life is slowly decaying and meets its doom in the glimpses of miseries, unhappiness and discomforts.

Since the inceptions of the International Yoga Day June 21, 2015, opinion about this science are shifting fast Yoga today is widely accepted as a wellness science by and for everyone. People are increasingly turning to The Yoga for its relaxing and soothing effects. Yoga is a precious gift that has given to us, that of the ancient Indian tradition of overall health well-being. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature a holistic approach to health and well-being. Hatha yoga, Laya yoga, Raj yoga and mantra yoga are the component of Yoga. Sevenfold practices of Hatha Yoga for physical strength and mental perfection are called Shat-karma (Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Trataka, and Kapậla Bhati) for cleaning the body, and asanas are to do for muscles strength, Mudra for steadiness, Pranayama for lightness, Pratyahara for determination, Dhyana (Meditation) for clear awareness of the self and Samadhi (trance) for ultimate bliss.

During meditation, you behold divine vision and divine perception. Let yourself be open with yoga, and life will be content and fruitful; yoga can very quickly whip you up some sustenance. Yoga path is open for the realization of the ultimate truth. Yoga purifies the astral Nadis within the body, which is essential for health and spiritual growth. The human body has innumerable Nadis that cannot be count more than72000. Important Nadis are Sushumna, Ida, Pingla, Gandhari, Hastajihva, Kuhu, Saraswati, Pusha, Sankhini, Varuni, Payasvini, Alambusha, Vishvodhara and Yasasvini. One should begin with the purification of Nadis. It is through Pranayama that you can control and brings about quick revitalize of the Nadis.

Physical activity increases three essential hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins and decreases stress hormone cortical. Yoga has simple postures that one can do as a daily routine. Yoga is one of the best ways to stay on the go as it is quite simple to do and does not stress the joints and lessens the burden on the joint rather strenuous exercises that put more strain on the joints and muscles. Asanas, pranayama, Kriya yoga and meditation keeps the body balanced by putting fresh prana Vayu in the organs, muscles and joints remove exhaustive energy from the body, some can even be done in the bed as don’t require lots of space. Meditation helps in easing the mind which helps one get sound sleep and maintaining sleep hygiene is vital to be work done in the day time

Yoga creates the connexion between body-mind-soul by doing asanas, mudras, pranayamas and meditation for ten minutes a day.

Seven fold practices of Hath Yoga

Shat karma comprises of six practices of Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Trataka and Kapalbhati,

 As aimed cleaning the body

Asanas (postures)




Dhyana (meditation)

Samadhi (trance)


Mudras affect various glands and of keeping the body on track. The Glands perform vital functions and produce juices or hormones. The Gheranda Samhita has described 25 mudras, and bandhas and the most important among them are Mula bandha, Jalandhar bandha, and Uddiyan bandha; and mudras- khichari mudra, Manduki mudra, Ashwini mudra, kaki mudra, Matangini mudra, Bhujangini mudra, Viparitkari mudra, Tadagi mudra.  All these mudras are beneficial for absolute health and advanced practices of yoga, when you want to explore your mind into depth of super consciousness and complete mindfulness.


Pranayama improves cardiorespiratory endurance that has a positive impact on body composition and lessens body fat. Pranayama purifies the Nadis, Nadis are nerve tubes in the astral body and through which prana energy flows. Prana is a subtle form of energy and vital link between astral and physical bodies; through pranayama, more prana is taken in and stored in the body and chakras, which inducing excellent endurance and strength. Nadi sudhhi (cleansing) pranayama is initial pranayama method that a practitioner can do in the beginning. Pranayama yields about quick purification of all the astral Nadis within the body, so you can gain control over the breath and can easily control the subtle Prana energy inside. Breathe in the breath of life and breathe out the peace that intensified awareness begins one close to reality.


Ten minutes of keeping in deep meditation are equal to six hours of sound sleep and whereas oxygen consumption falls to its lower level during meditation confirmed good results

 Breathe to come to be composed and calm in the time of doing meditation. Meditation increases tissue mass in the section of the brain of which controlling impulses and maintaining attention swiftly, increased thickness in the state of the brain of which is accountable for body awareness, and enhanced stress management and keeps the amygdala in balance. There is a direct relationship between the breath and the senses. Aversion and craving have been calmed down by mindfulness of breathing, this is the tool which keeps the mind tranquil at least at the conscious plane, and the wisdom that comes of experiences during awareness would enable one to become free from all false conditioning.


  1. Very nice , Yoga is very helpful for better health and to improve immunity to fight against virus and diseases

  2. Very good . You are doing very hard work

  3. True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied. if anyone interested for you click here Cours de Yoga online


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