Pranayam | How pranayama improves cardiorepiratory and enhance immunity

Pranayama is the life-force of yoga and is a technique of breath control of enhancing physical and mental health by to bring more oxygen to the blood and brain; further to control prana/vital energy. Pranayama is the science of breath control consists of a sequence of different methods assigned to meet the body in vibrant health, while the advanced technique of pranayama practices is to acquire the super consciousness during meditation. Central breathing of pranayama methods is clavicular (shallow), intercostal (middle) and abdominal breathing. Inhalation, retention and exhalation are three-part of advanced pranayama methods are followed by three bandhas. Pranayama keep helps to control the prana energy initially after that it gets easier to control the mind; since the state of mind is reflected in the way breathe. Pranayama directly helps to sustain the blood pure as lungs and other organs of the body refresh after being getting sufficient oxygen by controlling the act of breathing that can efficiently purify the Nadis and gain control over it.  Pranayama helps to keep the blood of pH value 7.40, the skin of pH 5.5 and hair of pH 4.5 to 5.5 and sustain well health; the kidney and lungs regulate the pH. Level and pranayama get to keep both organs in well state. Best pranayama: Anuloma viloma, Kapalbhati, Brahmari, Sitkari, Sithali, Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Samanu, Bhastrika, Advanced Breathing with three bandhas.

While staying at home or social distancing and applying proper cleansing method, we can fight against coronavirus. We must develop our immune system firstly, and keep well in the fight against coronavirus. The immune system keeps the gut in the healthy state always, and the digestive enzymes do their ascribed work efficiently.

How pranayama provides more strength and immunity

Pranayama improves cardiorespiratory endurance that has a positive impact on body composition and lessens body fat. Pranayama purifies the Nadis, Nadis are nerve tubes in the astral body and through which prana energy flows. Prana is a subtle form of energy and vital link between astral and physical bodies; through pranayama, more prana is taken in and stored in the body and chakras, which inducing excellent endurance and strength.

Abdominal breathing 

Sit comfortably in a quiet place with your hand on the thighs.

Breathe out and pull the stomach toward the spine slowly.

Breathe out through the mouth slowly and taking your time.

Relax the stomach and go back to its normal position.

Relax the chest and sternum (breastbone) and be observant during exhaling.

Breathe in through the nose and keep the chest calm and force-free.

Breathe down to the diaphragm.

The abdomen expands on all sides, except in front.

Be mindful, breathe in and out takes equal times.

Nadi shudhi pranayama:

Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Breathe in slowly, and filling the stomach with the air as it comes from of your left nostril and be ensure stomach will be expanding outside as filling the air in it. Close your right nostril of the right thumb, and breathe in and out from left nostril for 10 breathes and ensure the stomach expands when inhalation and contracts during exhalation. Now close the left nostril with the ring finger and small finger as well and hold the breath comfortably. Exhale slowly from the right nostril by keeping your left nostril closed with small and ring finger. Now breathe in and out from the right nostril for 10 breathes. Then close the right nostril and hold the breath easily and then exhale slowly from the left nostril.

Repeat all the above steps three times, and ensure that the last breath you take is exhaling from your left nostril.

Relax for some time.

Ujjayi pranayama technique:

Sit in comfortable asana.

Close your mouth, breathe in from both of the nostrils in a consistent manner.

Expand your chest.

Hold the breath as long as you can do it efficiently.

Exhale slowly through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with your right thumb.

Pranayama keep helps blood circulation proper and immune system better

What is blood?

Blood is a red coloured fluid that contains a red pigment that is known haemoglobin in its blood cells; pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is the liquid and colourless part of the blood and contains 90% water, and contains dissolved substances such as protein, digested food, common salt, hormones and waste products; and carries all of these dissolved substances within the body, and red blood cells, white cells and platelets immersed in the plasma. The red blood cell mature blood cell that contains haemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues and a biconcave disc that has no nucleus. Platelets are tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood; essential for blood clotting.  Blood regulates body temperature; the blood capillaries in our skin help to keep our body temperature constant at about 37°C; white blood cells kill the bacteria and other germs which cause diseases. White blood cells fight against illness and protect us from infections; manufacture antibodies which are responsible for providing immunity in our body.

Immune system

Immunity is the state in which an organism can resist disease or the state of not being susceptible. The immune system in our body is an ability to protect us against any disease: a system including the thymus, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues of which protects the body from foreign substances, and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response. A bodily defence response is an immune reaction of the body which identifies an invading substance such as an antigen: a virus or fungus or bacteria or transplanted organ, and produces antibodies specific against that antigen. The immune globin is a class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates that function as antibodies in the immune response.


  1. Very nice Pranayama for improving immunity

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