Covid-19 pandemic | Immunity is the biggest ally in the fight against coronavirus

The unprecedented times, now we are witnessing and becoming a part of the historic war waged against an unknown disease COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, growing concern about the unprecedented extend of coronavirus outbreak in the world. The most of us in self-isolation or quarantine, the hard time we have ever seen before constrains all of us to stay home and the pressures put on our mental and physical health also, what will next. While staying at home or social distancing and applying proper cleansing method, we can fight against coronavirus. We must develop our immune system firstly, and keep well in the fight against coronavirus. The immune system keeps the gut in the healthy state always, and the digestive enzymes do their ascribed work efficiently.

The idea of having stronger immunity is always welcome.

Immunity is the biggest ally in the fight against coronavirus pandemic. Studies show that weakened immunity is more susceptible to the worst outcome. Immunity is the condition in which an organism can resist disease or the state of not being susceptible. The immune system in our body is an ability to protect us against disease; system that including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues which protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response. A bodily defence response is an immune reaction of the body which recognizes an invading substance; such as an antigen: a virus or fungus or bacteria or transplanted organ, and produces antibodies specific against that antigen. The immune globin is a class of proteins produced in lymph tissue in vertebrates and that function as antibodies in the immune response.

When the immune system works well

The immune system performs well when not under any stress, whether it is emotional or mental.

Adequate sleep.

Nutritious diet.

Exercise often (yoga, running-walking, and others forms)

Immune system booster’s supplement

Avoid junk food

Drinking sufficient water a day

Vitamin D that we get from the sunlight plays a vital role in the body to build a strong immunity

The micronutrient such as zinc, iron, selenium etc.

Yoga can boost your energy and helps to be built up strong immunity

Yoga comprises of asanas, pranayama, mudras, shat karma and meditation; and you can adopt particulars set of asanas, pranayama and meditation for a day to do, all depends on your will.

The shat-karmas are of six practices 

  1. Neti – to clean nostrils.
  2. Dhauti- to clean the internal organ of the body.
  3. Nauli – to clean and strengthen intestines.
  4. Basti-cleans the colon and anus.
  5. Trataka- cleanses the eyes. 6    Kapalbhati-cleanses head.

Shat-karma practices aim at internal cleaning of the body. Neti cleans the nose. Kapala Bhati (head) cleanses head, purifies lungs, heart and blood. After Neti, it is advised to do Kapal Bhati to more reliable results; it is kind of Pranayama that practice to Strengthen and coordinate the Nadis and chakras. The third practice of the shat-karma is Nauli; Nauli Kriya recalibrates the diaphragm and the digestive system. Abdominal breathing and Uddiyan bandh are done usually in sitting postures, and while Nauli Kriya is done in the standing position.


Abdominal breathing 

Sit comfortably in a quiet place with your hand on the thighs.

Breathe out and pull the stomach toward the spine slowly.

Breathe out through the mouth slowly and taking your time.

Relax the stomach and go back to its normal position.

Relax the chest and sternum (breastbone) and be observant during exhaling.

Breathe in through the nose and keep the chest calm and force-free.

Breathe down to the diaphragm.

The abdomen expands on all sides, except in front.

Be mindful, breathe in and out takes equal times.

Ujjayi pranayama technique:

Sit in comfortable asana.

Close your mouth, breathe in from both of the nostrils in a consistent manner.

Expand your chest.

Hold the breath as long as you can do it efficiently.

Exhale slowly through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with your right thumb.

 Pranayama is the chief constituent of yoga, known as the technique of breath control; it enhances the strength of pranas, nervous system and organs. Pranayama prolongs life and provides more oxygen to brain and heart that enables and begets activeness, lightness, flexibility, stamina and strengthens in all majors and minors organs of the body within a few days of practising it.

Benefits of pranayama- The body becomes strong and healthy after practising pranayama as well as reducing fat, the face starts to be glow, eyes become sparkle, and voice enhances melodious and enhances appetite. Nadis are purified and help the mind to focus upon goals and constant practice of it stimulates the inner spiritual growth that brings happiness, peace and still the mind (Pranayama: ujjayi, Sitkari, sheetali, Bhastrika and Bhramari)


Padam asana, Siddha asana, swastika asana and Sukh asana are the four asanas that are prescribing for meditation. Padam asana keeps ankles, knees, hips, spine and neck more flexible. For beginners, Padam asana can be tough to perform in an earlier stage, but after a few days of its practice, it becomes easy. One can do half Padam asana first in preparation for the full Padam asana.

Padam asana

Sarvang asana

Paschimottan asana 

Bhujan asana

Sarvang asana cures thyroid glands (the thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland located at the front of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in the neck), metabolism and growth hormones. These hormones increase the metabolic rate in the body, enhance heat production, and controlling the basal metabolic rate in the body. Thyroxine affects the physiology of excretion, and its deficiency causes lowered urine output.                                           

The thyroid gland secretes three hormones

  1. Thyroxin regulates the metabolism rate.
  2. Triiodothyronine controls the growth of the body, development, metabolism, body temperature and heart rate.
  3. Calcitonin- helps to regulate the blood’s calcium and phosphate levels.


Ten minutes of keeping in deep meditation are equal to six hours of sound sleep and where oxygen consumption falls to its lower level in meditation proved good results

Breathe becomes composed and calm during a meditation session. Meditation increases tissue mass in the area of the brain of controlling impulses and maintaining attention swiftly, increased thickness in the state of the brain is accountable for body awareness, enhanced focus and stress management and keeps the amygdala in balance. There is a direct relationship between the breath and the senses.


  1. Very nice Asnas for enhancing immunity and increasing immunity is best way to safeguard against coronavirus

  2. Through this knowledge able article, people who are suffer from botheration of covid-19 get awareness about it


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