Covid-19 Pandemic |Safety measures | Best method a home quarantine | Need not panic, stay home and stay safe

Novel COVID-19 is triggering the re-emergence of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Coronavirus is an infectious disease, and since December 2019 spread globally. The World Health Organization declared the Covid -19 outbreak a pandemic. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced an official name for the virus, causes the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak that first identified in Wuhan China, as abbreviated Covid-19; devastating pandemics that have devoured thousands of lives within three months. There are a large family of viruses with some causing less severe disease such as cold, MERS and SARS. Covid -19 appears to inhabit both the upper and lower respiratory tracts (causes SARS-COV-2), but in SARS- causes infections in the lower respiratory tract which result in pneumonia. Time from exposure to onset of symptoms of Covid-19 is generally 2 and 14 day, average of 5 days. The lungs are the organ most affected by the virus.


Common symptoms of coronavirus infection according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) that include fever, cough, fatigue, muscles pain, breathing difficulties and shortness of breath; and, in severe cases, symptoms become more advanced such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and pneumonia can be found. Except in some cases, nearly 6% of people with Covid-19 report a sore throat, running nose, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Though the mortality rate is just 1.3 per cent, more than 98000 patients (97.8 %) have recovered from Covid-19, the fact is that the virus spread rapidly, recovery is slow but need not panic. Need to avoid social, cultural and any other forms of gathering. Self- quarantines or forced quarantines should continue, and be more strictly enforced, so that check it to spread.

      Together we can help stop the spread of Coronavirus and stay healthy

Safety measures

Use a tissue, hand sanitizer and wash hands properly with water and soap, especially after coughing or sneezing.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used.

Avoid close contact with anyone, and if you are experiencing cough and fever.

Avoid touching surfaces like railing, doors, window and gates frequently.

Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating them.

Drinking hot water and sun exposure can help.

Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

Do not spit in public.

Do not handshake and maintaining distance from others.

Avoid participation in large gatherings.

Paracetamol is a better option in case of severe fever rather than ibuprofen.

The home quarantined person should 

Stay away from persons with co-morbidities within the household. 

Environmental sanitation.

Diagnostic method: CT scan, immunoassay, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) from a nasopharyngeal swab.


The virus does not settle in the air but grounded and is not transmitted by air. Covid-19 lives on the hands for 10 minutes; Covid-19 is large where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason, any mask prevents its entry into the nose, when it falls on a metal surface will live 12 hours and more. So, clean the surface of the metals or things, and washing hands with soap and water well enough.

What does the coronavirus feel like when one caught infected?

 The patient can feel intense bouts of fever, severe cold, chatter teeth dry cough and chest pains, loss of appetite, feel low energy all time, and exhaust to do any work.

Some steps that one can take to prevent one’s anxiety from spiralling out of control.

Ensure adequate sleep, good nutrition and lots of water a day.

Do yoga, aerobics and walking-running in a safe place.

Do simple breathing pranayama and asanas such as diaphragmatic breathing and Surya bhed pranayama.

Contagions that scared the world.

 History has seen some devastating epidemics, which have consumed thousands of lives within a month in the world.

Some major disease outbreaks that caused widespread fear are:

Plague of Justinian (6th century, pandemic)

Black Death (14th century, epidemic)

Smallpox: viral rage, infection with Variola virus

Spanish flu: human affliction, pandemic, 1918 and toll 60-110 MN

HIV/AIDS: since 1981 and toll 37mn, pandemic and infectious 

SARS: Quick to spread (2003, toll 811, epidemic and infectious, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).

EBOLA: Ebola first detected in 1976 near Ebola River (Ebola virus disease (EVD) 2013-toll 11, 432, epidemic and infections).


  1. Very nice Information to prevent and take safety measures to stop the spread of coronavirus

  2. good knowledge provided.very good .

  3. knowledgeable article on covid-19

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