Vamna,Vajra asana and Agnisar Kriya directly benifit the stomach and Prana energy

The prana energy

Asanas, pranayamas, mudra, and meditation boost aspirant energy. It keeps balancing prana energy flow within the body accurately; it helps to reduce excess fats in the body. Life pressure or electricity or pranic energy is the substratum that essence of all life, which makes lifestyles feasible at the fabric stage. The prana is one yet it performs many functions in the body that occupy certain places within the body; hence has five names: prana, apana, samana, udana, and vyana. Asanas can burn calories, enhances flexibility and reduces the osteoporosis of bones.

Pranayama is the chief constituent of yoga, and is known as the technique of breath control; it enhances the strength of pranas, nervous system and organs. Pranayama prolongs life and provides more oxygen to the brain and heart that enables and begets activeness, lightness, flexibility, and stamina; and strengthens in all majors and minors organs of the body within a few days of practicing it.

So by controlling the act of breathing you can efficiently purify the Nadis and gain control over it. Vamna, Vajra asana, agnisar Kriya, abdominal breathing, Neti, pranayama, paschimottan asana, Sarvang asana, bhujan asana, Nadi chalan, reverse Nadi chalan, tad asana, Hal asana are very restorative to balance the life force within the body.

1 vamna:

This is done in the morning and ensure that your stomach is empty. Drink three to six glasses of lukewarm water with little salts to be added or as much as you can and feel up create a feeling of nausea. Contract the stomach a little

Bend forward and contract the stomach, place left hand on the stomach as support.

Massage the root of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand to induce vomiting and after some time, it becomes possible to empty the stomach.

2. Vajra asana:

Sit with the legs folded back and keep the soles of the feet on both sides of the anus while keeping the knees together and meantime keep palms on the knees and remembering head, neck, and waist should be straight in the line. Look front, the body's whole weight is put on the knees and ankles while the arms and shoulders are relaxed. Do it for five minutes.


Performing immediately after a meal it offers good digestion if done for ten minutes or more. Myalgia (muscular pain) in the knees, legs, toe, and thighs disappears. Flatulence (generating gas in the alimentary canal, as food creates an accumulation of gas) and sciatica (neuralgia along the course of the sciatic nerve, most often with pain radiating into the buttock and lower limb, most commonly due to herniation of a lumbar disk) disappears as you do in the morning or evening.

3. Agnisar Kriya:

Steps to follow:

Agnisar directly benefits the stomach, small-large intestine, spleen, liver, gall bladder, kidney, adrenal gland, uterus, ovary, prostate; it reduces extra fats, cures all types of abdominal issues.

Stand erect and feet keep a little apart and bend forward, keep hands on the thighs and loosen the stomach muscles.

Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, push your stomach or navel areas toward the back or spine and hold it as much as you can. Release the muscles. Do it for ten to twenty times.

Umbilicus area is the storehouse of energy that is governed by Samana Vayu of five pranas and when it is connected with Prana it will attribute to good health, stamina that boosts your energy.


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