Tad Asana and Prana energy

Tad asana is a standing posture which helps digestion and aids in increasing height and supports the vertebral column to align itself. Tad asana-is a Sanskrit word ‘Tad’ meaning the palm tree and this posture resembles a palm tree and often used as a starting posture in many sequences as considered to be a balancing pose. The flow of prana energy enhances easily when aspirant performs it.

Tad asana is very easy asana to perform even a child can do it easily. It covers entire body and very useful to the neck and throat: the muscles of the throat often get weak sometimes during unfavourable weather condition, another reason why back and neck muscles get tight and lose mobility. This can results in loss of mobility in the neck and brakes the flow of the prana energy around this area as well as affecting the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands which are placed in the middle of the neck. Tad asana helps to release the blocked prana energy to flow more freely and keeps the neck and throat soft and flexible so that both glands keep communicating with the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain and with others glands that are positioned below throat. 

Tad asana and Padahast asana are known as a balancing of the Paran energy in the body as these  asana propitiate the sun to improve aspirant’s digestion through energy channels that are opened when bending forward in the posture and whilst the earth helps to remove the impurities. The sun and earth helps each and every object of nature whether it is tiny or big organism to sustain their life in here by balancing them. Padahast and tad asana, two posture definitely help digestion and balancing prana energy in the entire the body.



Begin with legs straight and together with arms by the side of waist, palms touching the thighs.

Breathe in and raise your arms all the way up from the sides.

Bring close the palms together over your head in a steeple position or joined both palms together.

Keep breathing as you pull upwards your entire body such like as stretch from the heel to the tips of the fingers.

Keep your eyes open and fixed on any spot in front of you.

After couples of days practicing of it you can slowly raise your heels as much as you can and stand on the toes and stretch the body up without losing the balance of the body.

Maintain the balance of your body for some minutes and breathing naturally.

Come out of the position slowly.

Bring your heels back down to the ground and slowly bring your hands down from the sides while exhaling.

Relax for a while.


Tad asana makes the spine flexible and strong as the vertebral column aligns itself by stretching all the veins from head to foot and aids digestion and removes constipation. It cures disorders of spleen, abdominal viscera, legs, and the neck and throat.


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