Layers of the Mind, journey from Consciousness to super conciousness

“The mind is everything. What you think you become” Buddha To perceive things better is an observation. The observation unfolds the entire reality of the mind and body as well as bring perfect repose to both every time, with practise. The real wisdom that brings real changes in one’s life would be come through this observation only. Observation is the one and only tool that will control the three folds of the mind-stuff for the higher state of existence/super consciousness/ no-mind. This is the teaching of Buddha. Along with the physical process there is the psychic process, the mind and it comprises of four processes such like as conscious, perception, sensation and reaction. The Mind comprises of three layers; the conscious, the unconscious and the super-conscious. All of these layers have different functions to perform within the body. Conscious mind always brings about our ego- the ‘I’ and has an awareness of the objects within; and takes in raw material from the a...