Uttana-Asana, would help you sufficient sleep by recalibrate growth hormone and spine

Today, we are starting four asanas series of which comprises with Uttana-pad asana, Sarvang asana, Hal asana and Karn-Pid asana that would help you to gain adequate sleep, hormones growth, moreover, it keeps spine strong and flexible. The growth of hormones, indispensable for the repair and restoration process of the body. This process to which being carried out during sleep. The hormones (growth hormone and testosterone) are secreted during sleep and that of keeping the body healthy and with sufficient energy for day’s activity. This is the natural mechanism of the body and being required seven to eight hours sleep within twenty four hours cycle. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland of the brain; and in fact, being responsible for regulating sleep cycles as it is to be produced after sunset or during sleeping, as two hours before a person goes to sleep. So, for a sound sleep at night to be ensure adequate melatonin production in the body. So let's start first asanas of this series.

The four asanas can help the body to produce melatonin, the growth hormone and testosterone suitably. These four asanas invigorates and rejuvenates entire body, most important, stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and encourages deep abdominal breathing also. Theses asana cures various sorts of myalgia, lumbago, neuralgia and sprain. Obesity and habitual chronic constipation and enlargement of the liver and spleen are cured by theses asanas also.
Uttana-Pad Asana, Sarvang Asana, Hal Asana and Karn-Pid Asana all of these four asana, always being done by lie on the back quite flat/on the ground. It must be done in the morning or evening before having meal. This should not be done for long time during summer, to people with high blood pressure and suffering from spinal problems avoid it.
Steps to follow:
Lie down on ground as keeping arms straight near the body and breathe naturally.
Stretch and raise your legs 30cm to 55cm (45*angle) above the ground as of keeping hold this within capacity.
Rest the legs on ground nicely and breathe naturally during of doing this asana for better results.
Repeat it at least three times.

Benefits: Uttana-Pad asana is very useful to intestines, liver and kidney or abdominal muscles. It supplies a large quantity of blood to the spinal nerves and nourishes it and keeps the spine quite elastic and vertebral column becomes soft/elastic, prevents the spine from early ossification and provides longevity, so that you retain your youth for a long time. Uttana-pad asana gives strength to the abdominal muscles and further it can help you sound sleep.


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