Hal Asana:-Strength, Flexibility and stamina

Hal asana is the third asana among in the series and best asana to keep spine strong. The variations of the Hal-asana (plough asana) bend and stretch each part of the spine and body’s muscles in turn. It prevents early ossification of the vertebral bone and so keeps one young and active, furthermore, it keeps one from becoming humpbacked. Practicing Hal-asana has many benefits like removing all kinds of diseases of intestine, stomach, pulmonary (of relating to the lungs) and the brain. It is very good for brain as it keeps activating neurons in to action.
Grief, mental distress, lack of enthusiasm, irregular breathing and inflexibility all of these health issues would be cured by Hal-asana. Hal asana covers entire body’s organs, especially the neck, spine and brain and helps to keep hormones in balance. Hal-asana draws the blood towards neck, brain and cervical. Cortex is the part of the brain which is accountable for human abilities of memory, language, interpretation, information storage from the senses and theoretical thought. The brain is richly endowed with specific molecules “Neurotrophins” which is the family of proteins that induce the survival, growth and function of neurons.
When you practice Yoga regularly, the mind will be easily calm and keeps one more alive with focus and concentration. The first result of the practicing Yoga is that the body becomes more energetic and then so does the mind, the introspective power will manifest more and more, and all the obstacles begin to disappear. Hal-asana is keeping all body’s organs in tune and rejuvenate instant. Now, I will demonstrate how it works and how to understand our body.
Hal- asana makes the body strong and flexible as it promotes more blood flow to the neck area which further balances the hormones making it easy for body-growth, regulation of metabolism, keeping body temperature and heart rate in balance within body. Hal-asana is the best asana to help the body components for ultimate health and keeping body away from all ailments.
Steps to follow
Begin with lying on floor with arms along the body and keeping legs close.
Stretch your legs outward the sole of the feet; keeping the legs straight.
Stretch and lift the legs up towards head gently until the waist lifts from the ground
Support the waist with hands as elbow remain on the ground if you are beginner.
Rest the toes on ground behind the head while keeping the legs straight.
Arms remain on the ground/floor.
Breathe naturally during the asana.

The vertebral column becomes soft, elastic and strong; by drawing a good supply of blood to nourish the neck, brain and spine. 
Helps with various kinds of muscular rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and strains on the spine.
Helps in concentration of mind as it revitalises the brain hormones. 
Helps and benefits the nerve centres’ in the spine.


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