Sarvang-asana, the king of all the asanas, attributes to wonderful results

Source: Doon Public School Hoshiarpur 
Sarvang asana is the second asana among four asana series; known as the king of all the asanas, or mysterious asana among entire asanas of yoga, its name ‘Sarv’(all) has also been attributed to  wonderful results like  removing all kinds of diseases of intestine, stomach, pulmonary(of relating to the lungs) and brain. Sarvang asana is well known as a panacea (a cure-all sort of diseases), increases potency, prevent early ossification of the vertebral bones, and good for brain as it keeps activates neurons into action.

Sarvang asana, cures thyroid glands (the thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland located at the front of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx in the neck); metabolism and growth hormones (a bilobate endocrine gland on each side of the trachea, connected below the larynx by a thin isthmus of tissue, the secretion of which regulates the rate of metabolism and body growth).

  The thyroid gland secretes three hormones

1. Thyroxin- which regulates the metabolism rate.

2   Triiodothyronine-which controls the growth of the body, development, metabolism, body temperature and heart rate.

3.       Calcitonin- Helps to regulate the blood’s calcium and phosphate levels.

These hormones increase the metabolic rate of the body; increasing heat production and maintaining basal metabolic rate within the body. Thyroxine affects the physiology of excretion and its deficiency causes decreased urine output. Sarvang asana supplies a large quantity of blood to the spine nerves, to the neck and brain. Sarvang asana corrects all of these issues and balances all hormones of the thyroid gland and pituitary- pineal glands. The pineal-pituitary glands are considered to be the most important glands in the endocrine system (would to be explain fully in the next article).

        Steps to follow:

·         Begin with lie on ground with arms near the body and keeps legs close.

·         Stretch legs outward the sole of the feet.

·         Stretch and lift the legs up towards head gently and waist also from ground.

·         Support the waist with hands as elbow remain on the ground.

·         Straighten legs up.

·          Bring heals and shoulders to vertically position and just like a making 90◦ angle.

·         Avoid any load of the body on the head, load must be upon the shoulders. Press your chin firmly into the base of your throat and breathe slowly.

·         Stay in this asana for one-two minutes. And watch your toes.

·         While coming down be sure that the legs should been towards the head a little to maintain the balance of the body and avoid any jerk.

·         Rest the arms straight on the floor for support, while lower the legs slowly without raising the head from the floor/ground

·         Do shava-asana (read former article).

After shava-asana should be done matsya-asana and paschimottan-asana for better results.

Benefits: Sarvang asana increases flow of blood sufficiently towards spine, neck and head. It enhances strength and flexibility of neck, moreover it strengthens the heart and brain, as well as improving cardio respiratory endurance, muscular strength and muscular cures all stomach problems like: swollen feet, dysentery and stomach-aches. Troubles of small-intestine; shifting throbbing of intestines from navel is corrected.


  1. thank you for sharing. so many benefits to gain. I first learnt that asana at early age 21 yr but stopped after start working. easy to excecute when body is lean but cant put legs straight up. when one is putting extra fat at both legs. esp. so after not doing that so long.

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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