Karn Pid asana- would provide body growth, height and strong spine

Karn-Pid asana is the fourth asana among in the series of four asanas of bending and stretching of spine. Benefits are the same as that of Hal-asana, Sarvang asana and Uttana-pad asana. Four asana are prescribed for the purpose of entire body growth, to make supple and strong spine, to increase the supply of blood/blood circulation towards spine and head. It supports in increasing height if practiced in childhood. Karn-Pid asana draws the blood toward neck, face, brain and cervical.
It cures cervical pain if it is started prior to the onset of disease, but in the case of serious conditions avoid this asana.  All of these asanas are good for physical growth, hormones growth and for stamina, sound sleep and concentration. Our youth completely depends upon spine which holds the entire nervous system, Nadis (astral tubes made up of astral matter that carry prana urja), arteries and veins.

The body is filled with numerous Nadis that draws the pranic urja in through these Nadis (cannot be seen by naked eyes); veins and arteries; any hindrance in Nadis that arises can be attributes to ailments in the part of the body from where these Nadis are blocked. Cervical region (neck) consists of seven vertebrae among thirty three bones of the spine called vertebrae. The vertebrae bones are piled one upon the other and are connected together by spinous and transverse by pads of fibro-cartilage between the bones; pranic urja(cosmic energy) flows through the hollow cylinder of vertebrae and performs the task as being assigned by the body.
All of these four asana keeps energy flow smoothly in these Nadis and helps to remove all unhealthy elements from the bones and makes bone strong and flexible to intake fresh energy within it. 
Steps to follow
  • Begin with lying on floor with arms along the body and keeping legs close.
  • Stretch your legs outward the sole of the feet; keeping the legs straight.
  • Stretch and lift the legs up towards head gently until the waist lifts from the ground.
  • Rest the toes on ground behind the head.
  • Let the knees touch the ground and press against ears and toes jointly together.
  • Arms remain on the floor.
  • Breathe naturally.
Benefits: the vertebrae column becomes soft, elastic and strong; neck, brain and spine would get fresh energy. Helps with various kind of muscular rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and strains on the spine. All of these four asana are recommended by the expert for height and entire growth of the body.


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