How Sutra-Neti purifies the skull and makes the eyesight very keen

Neti is for the purpose of purification of the nostrils and for regulating the breathe within. Neti purifies the skull, the brain, mouth and sharpens the eyesight and cures all types of problems related to the organs above shoulders. Those who want long, strong and shiny hair would definitely benefit from this technique. Neti becomes remedy for all the diseases that result from colds and catarrh. The French Academy of medicine hailed that by practising Neti regularly beneficial results are seen in all such cases, they further advocated that more than 75% of the world population of having great need of such sorts of methods. The desired results can be gained within couple of days. Dr. Glorger Gantier says that Neti is a panacea that it cures deafness, headache, snoring, asthma and eyesight. Jala-Neti, Gajkarni/Shitakarama-Jala Neti and Siddha Jala Neti are all a sort of Neti and should be practiced with normal water with a little salt. The salt water that passes thr...