How Siddha- Neti recalibrate your entire body within two days

In the previous articles we have looked at Neti and its importance. Neti is a shat-karma Kriya which is known as internal purification of the body that makes the body’s organs in a state of constancy. Yoga starts with clearing of the nose firstly by rubber Neti, sutra-Neti, siddha-Jala Neti, Jala-Neti (lukewarm water with a little salt as to make salty). In this article, we will talk about the siddha-Jala-Neti, this process is practiced with normal water in summer and with lukewarm water in winter or as per the weather condition of any countries as it depends upon or according to the nature of the practitioner. Neti comprises of Jal-Neti, Sutra-Neti (a string as it prepared with a fine cotton thread) rubber-Neti (plain catheter that available in all medical store) and Dant-Neti. After practising all kinds of Neti, now practitioner would be able to do many others forms of Neti which use cow milk and Desi-ghee for better results; resulting in the nasal cavities become hard and cold-proof with external factors no longer being able to harm the nasal cavities
The salty water that passes through the nose simply acts as a bacteria killer. Siddha Jal-Neti is the simplest kind of Neti if we compare to the other techniques of Neti. This is so simple that even a child could learned it easily. The Ayurveda system of hygiene and medicine highly appreciates this process and both have advocated that one, who practises it and if he/she drinks water through the nasal path after waking-up in the morning becomes more energetic all day long, hawk-eyed and their face will remain free from wrinkles. Any hair problems like falling of hair or weak hair breaking cease to be. It is the best ever treatment for catarrh by stimulating the tiny nerves and tender mucous membrane in the nostril as it clears out all the rubbish materials/toxic elements from the nasal surface which warm the air when it passes over them.
Benefits: Neti clears the nose and sinuses of obstruction. It loosen the clogged up mucous in the air-passages and cools the brain and as the air in the sinuses passes easily, resulting in one beginning to feel fresh. Beneficial for eyes, throat and even for the others body major’s organs like liver, heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys. Because all of these organs become disturbed which reflects on the nose and face simultaneously. Neti has a tonic effects upon the brain and the nervous system that influences the hormones and neurones further.
In Siddha Jala-Neti, water is passed through one nostril to the other with the help of a feeding small sized tea-pot or if you have not this kind of pot than you could do with the glass.
Steps to follow:
Take a glass of saline lukewarm water or pour water in tea-pot (kettle).
Insert it’s nozzle into one of the nostrils whether left nostril or right nostril does not matter.
Bend the head a little to the other side and let the water flow through the nostril of the other side of the nostril.
The water will begin flowing in a continuously stream through the both nostrils.
Special thanks to Mr. Karam Chand for his support by providing the images for this Blog.
(Karam Chand: M Sc in Yoga D.N.Y.S and Diploma in Yoga Studies. associated with Oberoi  Taj, Hyatt Regency and Lodhi Hotel)


  1. Thanks a lot for this wonderful information about Neti, its method and benefits.
    Everyone can do this practice as you explained each n everything in detail.

    Thanks a lot
    Waiting for more wonderful articles from you.


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