How you can achieve full consciousness with the help of meditation techniques

One technique that can help you connect with your breathe and calm the mind is the Anna Panna from Vipassana; is a way to gain the insight within, one can attain freedom from all the conditioning of unhealthy bonds that is being buried in the unconscious mind since ages.

1.  Firstly sit with legs crossed in a quiet comfortable place. (Shawl or blanket is advisable as you may get cold after some time). 
2.  Close your eyes. 
3. Bring your attention to your breath, breathing in and then out naturally, do not force the breath. Just observe how your breath enters the body and leave the body through the nostrils
4.  Do this for a few breaths.
5. Then bring your attention to the area just between the Nose and the upper lip. Feel how the breath flows past this area, how does the area itself feel. Are then any sensations or tingling. Again do not force any feeling or sensations ONLY observe.
6. To begin with you may not feel anything, do not worry keep focused and continue to just observe. Focus on the whole area between the nose and the upper lip. 
7. Continue this for 5 minutes, each increasing the time to an hour if possible. If limited time is available please ensure 15 minutes are done at least. 
8. If at the beginning you feel nothing, after doing this practice for some days you will start to feel and observe things. The reason some people can feel and some can’t, all depends on how calm their mind is or how much awareness they have to begin with. The calmer the mind or more aware the person is the quicker they will be able to sense what is going on. All goes back to sensitivity. However, with practice and time the sensitivity can be increased. 
Do this for 30 days and see how much more calm and aware you become in your surroundings.

After 30 days there is an advancement to this meditation:
(a) Move your attention to your chakras.
(b) Then repeat for each chakra, Third Eye, Throat Chakras, Heart Chakra, Solar plexus, Naval Plexus and finally the Root Chakra.

To end bring you focus back to the area between the nostril and upper lip and then to your breath. 
Breathe in and out naturally, again do not force it. 
Then slowly open your eyes and sit for a few minutes to adjust yourself back to reality. 
Tip: It is always good to keep a diary of what you felt during this mediation and see how it impacts you.


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