Why Gajkarni-jalaneti is popular among Western Natural Therapeutics.

Shat-karma practices aim at internal cleaning of the entire body in order to remove maladies from roots; and develops good flow of  prana urja in the body. Neti cleans the nose and all others organs above the shoulders. Kapala Bhati (head) cleanses the head, purifies the lungs, heart and blood. After Neti, it is recommended to do kapal bhati for better results; it is a Paranayama practice intended to energize and balance the Nadis and chakras. In this article, we talk about the prana energy and its importance along with Gajkarni/Shitakarama- jalaneti.   

Pranayama is the only way to enrich the strength of the prana urja/energy within the body. Neti is a shat-karma Kriya that cleans the nostrils properly before pranayama; so that will boost the effect of pranayama further. Doing Neti before pranayama is  essential for curing all sorts of problems that relate to breathing. Neti clears all the blockages of the nostrils, whether it is relating to irregular breathing or with blocked nostrils. Right breath is the first step that harmonizes all organs and nerves of the body so that the flow of prana urja is to be enhance and maintains properly in the body.
Prana is the vital force, the sum total of all energies which manifest in the universe. Prana is the life force that gives potency not only to the body but also to the entire universe. Heat, light, magnetism and electricity are all displays of Prana. The five senses carry out their respective function only because of Prana. Breath is man’s soul mate and in fact breath is the external manifestation of Prana. By Paranayama, one can gain control over this gross breath within, only then can you control the subtle Prana inside very easily. Breathing is a process, a simple mechanical and physical function accomplished by the physical body which generally goes unnoticed. Breath is a process which can be wrought and controlled for extrasensory, the sublime of major seven chakras along with remaining small chakras, to be connected with the invisible realms of nature.
Breath creates a flow of energy in the body. In the nostrils Ida (left nostril, negative current, cool, moon energy), Pingla (right, hot current, solar Nadi and energy) and Sushumna (neutral, balancing both energy) flow of energy being created, like as the negative and positive currents in an electrical circuit. Prana is the sum total of all latent forces that are hidden within body. The seat of Prana is the heart, still Prana is the one, but it controls over the five major Prana-vayu in the body within. Viz., prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. Prana controls the mind and hence you can also say that control of prana means to control of the mind. The seat of the mind is the heart and all the Prana-vayu is balanced in the heart.

Gajkarni or Shitakarama- jalaneti: it is reverse of the jala-neti, and a little bit difficult as it needs some practice to master it. Drawing water from the mouth and expelled it through the nose is known as Shitakarama.  While in the case of Vyut karma Neti, water is drawing from the nose and expel it through the mouth.     
Step to follow
Begin with Mouth is filled with salty water (add a little bit salt). 
Take a deep breath when water is still in the mouth, with the effort of exhalation push upwards and let it come out through the nose. You can use your tongue to push and expell through the nostrils by bending the head forward.

Benefits: it cleanses the nasal passage properly and remove sticky mucous from it. It benefits the eyesight, ears, nose and taste buds along with Nadis. 


  1. Yoga is the best medicine for physically fitness ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Yoga classes must be started in the primary or middle schools as it makes a man fit physically as well as mentally.

  3. Very nice and beneficial for good health


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