Importance of colours in our life

Festivals are a unique hallmark of human culture or an immense accumulation of past glorious histories and might obtain enthusiasm for ideal values. Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival that comes in spring, also known as the Festival of Colours, bringing attributes of the victory of good over evil. Holi celebration begins with lighting up a bonfire on the Holi evening, being celebrated all over India, wishing each other ‘Happy Holi’ and celebrating by giving thanks for a good harvest. People rub ‘gulal’ and ‘abeer’ (coloured powder) on each other


. Importance of colours 
Sir Isaac Newton experimented with passing the sunlight through a prism and concluded that colour consists of its waves and wavelengths, vibrating at different frequencies. The spectrum comes with colours- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Raindrops act like a prism, and the sunlight passes through them to expand the colour spectrum. While Theo Gimbel has formulated a new approach to colour the therapy, it produces a biochemical reaction within our body through stimulating vital glands, like the pineal and the pituitary gland of the endocrine system, which give the hormones that regulate body functions. Reiki, colours and festivals have formed a harmonious combination. You could blend beautifully through refined visualization.


How colours affects us 


Red affects the metabolic rate, appetite, sleep, and sex; the corresponding nerve · Plexuses in the physical body and stimulate Root chakra. · Oranges affect the Prostatic and stimulate the sacral plexus. · Yellow stimulates the Solar plexus. · Green affects the Cardiac plexus and stimulates the Heart Chakra. · Blue affects the Laryngeal plexus and stimulates the Throat Chakra. · Indigo affects the Cavernous and stimulates the third Eye Chakra. · Violet stimulates the Crown resonates violet.


In addition, by this, how he came to the scientific explanation of colour. Nature gives everything in harmony, surrounded by we can perceive it and enhance it through visualization and meditation. It is better to surround ourselves with colours for reeing the different colours upon us and within, and feel good, supported by our environment.


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