Guru Nanak Dev Ji' s teaching


Pious, just human, temperate, uniform, resolutions, sincerity, moderation, tranquillity, justice and dignity are all the virtues that dwell in the true saint, though a true saint being edifying around him might facilitate the acquisition of all to the welfare of human beings.

Temperance first, as it tends to procure clearness of the head and heart of maintaining against the unremitting attraction or temptation and silence in virtue as considering obtaining preferably by the use of the ears than of the tongue be benefited. The Resolution, if you once acquired, becomes habitual and would keep you firm in endeavours to gain all the subsequent virtues. Self-efficacy, austerity and frugality are other virtues to be practiced. In addition, as for you bringing full awareness to the prescribed work, that produces affluence and independence would make it easy to practice sincerity and justice.

God made the universe and governed it by his province; the most acceptable service of God is doing well to man and all objects of nature that belong to him. Souls are immortal, all of the virtues rewarded, and vice versa, either here or hereafter, esteemed the essentials of every religion, whatever might be the sect never refused. Bhakti Yoga is an indispensable tool for solving modern-era issues such as a sedentary lifestyle, inconsistency-behaviour, and more health issues and sans wisdom. Bhakti Yoga encompasses compassion, non-violence, truthfulness and freedom from all else. To integrate healthy attributes, ease at odd, though comforts for the welfare of society and remaining comfortable with discomforts. Moreover, suffice it to say Guru Nanak Dev Ji is a true saint and guru of all human beings.

Teaching of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Naam Japana: to recite and respect the name of the god

Kirat karni: to work and gain one's livelihood, besides signifying a preference for normal household

Vand Chhakana: to share with others what one eats or earns.

Japji Sahib is the guideline of Guru Nanak Ji's philosophy of the nature of the almighty god to their disciples, composed at 37 age, 38 stanzas (poudis), and is to be considered the gist of the Vedas.






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