To unite the fraction with the absolute/ How yoga show a way to the world/ International Yoga Day 2022


To unite the fraction with the absolute/ How yoga show a way to the world

Mind is fickle and moving profligate and indeed adamant as it acknowledged; amenity in five senses beguiles and restrains one to worldly affliction, can be controlled with practice and detachment alone: and practice of yoga instructs to deliverance. When the mind pursues greed, anger, and the lust for five senses, hence leads to slavery confined to attachment and pride that degrade the self. We seek to develop consciousness of what is around us that happens within and without any reaction of the action; hence, true wisdom occurs when understanding one's nature to be confined and arises from observing reality as it is, and you can emerge from suffering. Every time you react, reinforce the mental habit of reaction and develop aversion that keeps on strengthening the tendency of the mind to continue generating the same.  


Microcosm and macrocosm observation to control the mind

Ancient sages of yoga practising explorations into the origin that what is outside of our body dwells within us the same; and drew them to a profound appreciation between microcosm and macrocosm. The universe is interconnected with all objects, whether it is tiny or big.

As you centre yourself by bringing your awareness to the flow of your breathing- a few seconds pause and again contemplate your connection to the microcosm and macrocosm; this technique well known as Vipassana as Gautam Buddha discovered it, galvanised across the globe. Start by appreciating the synchronised working of your entire body: your endocrine, digestive, nervous, organs, circulatory and immune system,   focus your awareness on tissues, next move down to the cellular level relishing the billions and trillions of cells that form your organs: eyes, skin, kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, heart, lungs and tissues and neurone.  In addition, go deeper to the molecular level and focus on the molecules linking together in a different blend that synchronising to forms of your body in perfect shape.

Meditation is the true sense that keeps helping to realize the certainty of consciousness. Meditation guides how to be at ease with uncertainty. While we often take on the opposite of it, we are uncertain about ourselves and vice versa. The most stable thing in the universe is the self or knowing about our inner sense perfectly that to be the ultimate wisdom to acquire; therefore, worldly affairs lead to temptation, toward uncertainty, and Meditation here protects us from the false deed we took. Meditation enhances the chakras' efficiency and pranic energy flow in the organs and chakras.

Yoga component 

Yoga comprises asanas, pranayama, mudras, shat karma and meditation. You can adopt a particular set of asanas, pranayama and meditation for a day to perform. Neti and Dhauti have beneficial results if we have to protect against any virus and diseases.


The shat-karmas are six practices 

  1. Neti – To clean nostrils.
  2. Dhauti- To cleanse the internals’ organ of the body, Dant Dhauti cleanses the teeth.
  3. Nauli – To clean and strengthen intestines.
  4. Basti-Cleans the colon and anus.
  5. Trataka- Cleanses the eyes.

      6 Kapalbhati-Cleanses head.


Three bandhas

Mula bandha: Sit in Padam asana or Siddha asana and breathe easily and when you want to do advanced pranayamas. Mula bandha practice during advanced pranayama exercises such as pulling up the Apana Vayu by contracting anal sphincter's muscles and abdominal muscles. 

Uddiyan bandha: After exhaling, pull the stomach up and then back towards the spine and keep sitting in the Siddha asana with both bandhas ( Mula bandha and Uddiyan bandh; in advanced practices, Jalandhar bandha also applies)

Jalandhar bandha: while retaining the breath, bend the head forward so that the chin almost touches the pit and lift the head when exhaling.

After one attains proficiency in asanas, bandhas and pranayamas can do mudra efficiently. These three bandhas should  practised together for long hours, and if you want to do Kumbhaka, you have to hold your breath during this time. Kumbhaka is required to do for a long time when one has practised it with bandhas and mudras; accomplished by filling the air in the chest and light breathing goes on. Pranayama steadies the mind, purifies the inner self, enlightens, and wisdom begets.


The chakras are the psychic energy centre in the body:

Each of the chakras has a distinct colour, shape element, deity and a monosyllabic. These chakras are Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Svdhishthana and Muladhara. The chakras are the focal points, pranic energy, and psychic forces-bodily forces merge with or interact with each other.






  1. Very nice Yoga is very good for better health and all around well being

  2. Yoga is good for all age Group, Thanks🙏🙏


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