Pratyahara| How to control of senses| What is Pratyahara



Pratyahara is the fifth part of Yoga and an essential component of Hathayoga and RajYoga and impossible a worthwhile spiritual achievement to be attained without it. Pratyahara means to turn five senses inward, set our five senses inward; most of the time, our perceptions are sustained by deceptive temptation and remain extroverted and become uncontrolled. The mind never rests or stay on a single point for minutes. So, here need arises to tame the mind first for higher spiritual growth.

Our five senses are eyes, ears, tongues, noses and skin: Eyes love to see beautiful sights and ears enjoy worldly melodies and Tongues like a delicious meal and noses like fragrances and skin like a soft touch. Pratyahara is to control of senses or withdrawal from temptation; so that energies of respected senses to be focused, under the mind for a higher conscious level and the aspirant would attain the stable, clear mind-set to move on see the perfect picture of self. Pratyahara directs the senses inward from gross (mortal) to the cosmic (divine).

Without proper practising, Pratyahara can be impossible to attain. The need always arises for an Expert teacher (Guru) who can bestow Pratyahara and Samadhi, keeping on practising on the way move on ahead. Detachment is the second factor to withdrawing the attention from the gross. Faith is the third factor that keeps you advanced in Yoga. The final factor is sanskaras, which called the fundamental factor that can change the aspirant. The imprint of deeds of the previous active always alive in the conscious mind and unconscious mind and influenced the presence of the one. The Habit is the second nature of a being; and cannot change without a strong will power. Pratyahara prepares one to the higher consciousness state. The instinct of man is toward sensual pleasures are common in humans and animals as well. Humans are considered the best of all living organisms and have a higher potential to attain wisdom, spiritual growth and ultimate truth.


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