Yoga Day 2021 | Best asanas | Benifits of Yoga


Health is wealth

We all dream to live a long life with good health. We know the fact that it cannot be gain through any shortcut. Good health rest on balanced and proper diets and adequate exercises.

Yoga is an ancient science of India. The science of Yoga has its origin thousands of years ago. The practice of Yoga begins with the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga manifests courage, strength, wisdom, enthusiasm and ecstasy. Asanas helps keep muscles active and can reduce muscle stiffness and strengthening the ability to move muscles properly. Meditation manifests awareness, and composed the mind.

 The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', which means to join. Join with the spiritual essence for the realisation of the ultimate truth. For this purpose, there are four distinct forms of Yoga- Mantra Yoga, Hath Yoga, Raj Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Laya Yoga. Sat-karma, Asanas, Pranayama, Mudra, Pratyahara, Dhyana and Samadhi are essential that to be practised for cleansing of the body and mind. Meditation removes the abstraction of the mind and clears dualism. There are eight-limbed of Yoga known as Ashtanga Yoga, five of among eight aforementioned; and the rest of the three are Yama: self-control, Niyama-observation of the truth and the last are Dharna- keep on yoga principles.

The unprecedented times of worst disease COVID-19, we have seen since 2020 up to the present. We are witnessing and becoming a part of the historic war waged against an unknown disease, pandemic sweeping the world, growing concern about the unprecedented extend of coronavirus outbreak whole in the world. Most of us in self-isolation or quarantine, the hard times we have ever seen before constrains all of us to stay home, and the pressures put on our mental and physical health. While staying at home or social distancing and applying proper cleansing method, we can fight against coronavirus as we have done the same and win half of the battle, and still, precaution to be needed yet.

To cope with this, we must develop our immunity and keep well in the fight against coronavirus. Yoga increases the immune system better and, we learn in this article about what the immune system is. 


What is the immune system?

Immunity is the biggest ally in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Studies reveal that weak immunity is more susceptible to the worst outcome. The immunity system is the condition; in which an organism can resist disease or the state of not being susceptible. The immune system in our body is an ability that shields us against disease; and, including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues, which protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response. A bodily defence response is an immune reaction of the body. To knowing invading stuff such as an antigen: a virus or fungus or bacteria or transplanted organ, and produces antibodies specific against that antigen. The immune globin is a class of proteins generated in lymph tissue in vertebrates; that function as antibodies in the immune response.


How to take care of your spine?

The spine does not receive the necessary care and notice that it deserves. Modern lifestyles have messed up more problems than have ever been seen, such as wrong prolonged sitting posture, sleeping late hours, and sans exercise. Such factors are accountable for the stiffening of your back muscles and abdominal muscles. In the process of demanding more and more comforts, we are at risk of continuously missing the very essence of well-being. There are some beneficial asanas we learn in Yoga that strengthen your backbone such as, Dhanur asana (the bow posture), Shalabha asana (locust posture), Bhujang asana (cobra posture), chakra asana, and Ushtra asana. All of these are backwards-bending asanas. While Janushir asana, Paschimottan asanas are forward-bending asanas. All of these asanas are very helpful to strengthen your backbone and abdominal organs and helps the pranas energy to flow easily within the body organs.


Yoga component 

Yoga comprises asanas, pranayama, mudras, shat karma and meditation. You can adopt particulars set of asanas, pranayama and meditation for a day to do. Here, Neti and Dhauti have beneficial results if we have to protect against any virus.

The shat-karmas are of six practices 

  1. Neti – To clean nostrils.
  2. Dhauti- To clean the internal organ of the body, and while Dant Dhauti cleanses the teeth.
  3. Nauli – To clean and strengthen intestines.
  4. Basti-Cleans the colon and anus.
  5. Trataka- Cleanses the eyes.

    6 Kapalbhati-Cleanses head.


  Doing Neti purpose is for purification of the nostrils and for regulating the breathing within. Neti purifies the skull, brain, mouth, sharpens the eyesight, and cures all types of problems associated with the organs above the shoulders. Those who want long, strong and shiny hair would benefit from this technique. Neti becomes a remedy for all the diseases that result from colds and catarrh. The French Academy of medicine hailed that by practising Neti regularly beneficial results, are seen in all such cases, further advocated that more than 75% of the world population having great need of such sorts of methods. 





  1. Yoga is very good for better health rejuvenation and to maintain healthy lifestyle and for all around well being of humanity

  2. Practicing yoga effects the quality of life


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