Aura| kind | How many Layers of the aura?



The human Aura is living energy; and comprises close-knit electromagnetic particles of diversifying densities, and suspending around the body in several layers known as auric bodies. The aura layers follow the body's contours by two or three layers. The rest of the Auras layers make the shape of an oval, colour of the Aura constantly moving, altering and reshaping themselves in response to particular impulses. The Aura having an oscillating movement that depends on the combination of hereditary factors, experiences life span, environment, and attitude of self: all of these determinants creates a vibrating frequency of the close-knit electromagnetic particles and keeps on creating a unique aura for each individual. The Auras have an oscillating inclination in nature. You may spot either be magnetically attracted towards others or deflected from each other. Absorbent energy, life-force energy and data energy are three ways that define Aura. Auras are the wellspring of our emotional-physical-mental health and even spiritual health.


 To remove a blockage, from Aura the need arises to choose a past event that still causes you distress, and there is plenty of techniques available that works suitably. You can do Reiki, Yoga, Sahaj-yoga and meditation to remove the blockage within aura.  The martial arts students are well aware of the grounding method. They practice it for getting more energy and meantime save energy also; for balancing the stance, even maintain and backing up their strength for a crucial time, so that put on timely in combat. It balances and centres your body, keep on allows you to feel safer, composed, and sustained; Moreover, being grounded improves the ability to see, feel, and hear more profoundly. It supports and keeps balances the Earth's energy with the cosmic energy in the body that assists you to align your body-mind-spirit at an optimum frequency and keep you on remove excess and outdated energy.

Developing psychic/emotional awareness naturally can to be improved by cleaning and removing blockages from your chakras and aura. It will give exceptional benefit to your health, spiritual growth and mental health issues and keep you disease-free. Absorbent energy is open to exchange with all forms of energy. Accompany nature always has ennobling and soothing effects upon our mind and body. It has renewal energy and balancing aura, our attitude to perceive things better. It has renewal energy and balancing aura, our attitude to perceive things better. Nevertheless, an angry confrontation will have the reverse effect and maybe draining energy. Data energy contains past, present and future accomplishments, feeling and action; make you able with a gift of psychic power. Life-force energy exists in an alive body.  It shrinks and fades away when have got sick and from childhood to adults reflected of their development.

What does your aura tell to you? 


Health, whether it is good or bad

Vitality and disease

Firm and week emotion 

Fears and strengths

Learning and achievement

Experiences and wisdom

Spiritual awakening

Past life experiences

Addiction of bad habits or good habits



How many Layers of the aura?


A person never knows long-term contentment and if having an immature aura. Moreover, if you have a better perception of this aura that you have. You can measure the state of your whole being, circumstances around you, are positioned which is beneficial, growth and learning and your higher-esteem, self-efficacy and last how to be awakened you can become prolific. The aura has seven distinct layers with a unique role to play in life.

The physical auric body

The etheric auric body

The vital auric body

The astral auric body

The lower mental auric body

The higher mental auric body


















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