Reiki and Yoga | How Reiki and yoga rejuvenating mental-health and physical issue


Reiki is as old as Earth, Sun and Stars. It is as old as a Galaxy and from unicellular and insects. Plants to human and animals are all associated to cosmic energy. Each object of nature is bring together with cosmic energy, and bathed in it, and we cannot survive sans of it. It is not a new concept, but the name has changed. When you feel or observe during meditation sensations around your body, transport into the realm of ecstasy that only means that you are connecting well with nature within that having soothing and ennobling effects upon the mind;  and nobody can take the smite away from you.


Dr Mikao Usui was a Japanese Buddhist monk born in Kyoto, Japan. He rediscovered the long-forgotten art of instant healing, practised by both Jesus Christ and Gautam Buddha. After intensive interrogation with Christian leaders and Buddhist monk both in Japan, Europe, the USA and Tibet, Dr Usui met the Zen abbot of Kyoto, who guided him with a technique with some symbols among with a description as to how the Buddha had healed the sick person.


Therefore, to find this healing power, he decided to meditate and do fast on the sacred Mountain Koriyama, seventeen miles north of Kyle, on the 21st day of the meditation. Dr Usui saw a very bright light striking his third eye and entering his body. Dr Usui died in 1926 and had already empowered 16 aspirant and become those Reiki Grand Masters, and among them was Dr Chujino Hayashi. Mrs Hawaii Takata from Hawaii was another Grand Master of Reiki who helped spread the Reiki technique to the rest of the world. There are now an estimated 5000 Grand Master, Reiki masters with as many as 1,000,000 people practising Reiki.


In, 250 A.D. the period of Patanjali, who would tap cosmic energy through yoga, pranayama and meditation 2000 years ago, we saw Jesus Christ healing by his divine touch. In 1494, when Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji appeared with his divine power. Sufi Saints, Darweshs and Peers, were directly touching this energy. This healing system with spiritual Shakti appeared, disappeared and reappeared, again and again with different names like Sparsh Chikitsa ( touch-healing methods), Divine touch Healing Hands. The Egyptians also tapped this cosmic energy through pyramids, mantras and rituals.


The Reiki has rejuvenating the organs, system, cells, cells units,   RNA-DNA, 7 vital chakras, 24-sub chakra, 72000-3200000 astral Nadis and 700 centres. The benefits are beyond comprehension, but the most important thing is to put Reiki into practice. The highest aspiration of yours to become one with the Divine Reiki Power is very attainable. There are no limitations regarding Reiki Practice; all depends upon your practice, the more blessing you receive from the cosmic energy.




In most yogic texts, the term prana is associate with the life force. However, when we speak, we are talking about the cosmic concept rather than the physical breath. Researchers have discovered what the yogis found, that there is an energy link between the physical and psychic bodies. Energy force is convertible into a material force, and material energy is convertible into pranic force. You know the famous equation of Albert Einstein E=MC², that matter is energy in its potential state. It is an ancient truth contained in the Vedas. That every manifestation in creation is interconnected and be forms part of a never-ending field.


You can find plenty of knowledgeable and methodical records in many ancient scriptures, which contain the same principles of what is now we have great need and get named the “new age thinking”. The modern era has brought more hope and promise. The best approach is to combine the ancient with the contemporaries wisdom of the very now times and then adopt them into current situations. Reiki can transform every aspect of your life: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. One can open one’s spiritual communication channels to some extent.



  1. It is very helpful and works miraculous to heal physically ,mentally and bring peace, harmony, happiness to all humanity , nature and mother earth


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