Maha bandha-mudra



Maha bandha- Mudra

Maha bandha mudra should be perform for a longer time for good results. Sit in a state of Moola Bandha as pulling up the anus and raising the Apana Vayu that presides at coccyx region, lower the prana as applying Jalandhar Bandha, to which to unite it with Samana Vayu/prana as it situated at the umbilicus (navel) and responsible for digestion. The prana is the nerves that pulled up by Moola bandha and lowered with Jalandhar Bandha. Yogi unites both prana and Apana at Samana in the navel to keep moving the nectar upward to the brain.

Samana Vayu (balancing air) is one of the five pranas Vayu. There are five pranas in the body: Parana, Udana, Vyana, Samana and Apana. Samana Vayu is an integrating energy force.  It draws from the stomach- area to the navel, of which having spiralling movements around the navel area or Manipuri chakras/solar plexus, in a clockwise direction to maintain the processing and assimilation of all we have taken in the body of whether it is food or emotions. Samana Vayu unites both Prana Vayu. Apana Vayu energy together in the navel/ Manipur chakras; ufurther, it utilises purifying Agni/fire within the body; this life-energies force being worked all together to uplifting the kundalini Shakti/energy towards solar plexus and other chakras.


When Samana Vayu is in a good state, it provides proper health. It keeps the hormones, metabolism and glands in perfect order. Samana Vayu works to be maintained the current in the body so that the jathar Agni work properly. Samana Vayu keeps the fire burning, churning motion in a body in a balanced state to the navel that the processing and assimilation to be carried out, without any obstacles. The digestive system works properly if the fire is to produce permitting to the requirements of the body.


Should follow the ratio of Puraka, Kumbhka, and Rechaka (1:4:2). It means 5 seconds inhale, 20 seconds hold the breath, and 20 seconds exhale, is the chief component of yoga as it is well known as life-force, known as breath control as it enhances the strength of the Parana.  Only a natural breathing pattern would able to purify the Paran-Vayu, and as it is the bridge between the mind and five senses; and our sixth sense be awake and if all the five prana energies in a balancing state. After pranayama, one could be able to feel Samana Vayu near the navel. Pranayama, asana, mudra, meditation, and healthy diets and all these factors keep the prana active; it suffices to say that Parana-Vayu is the prime factor of good health and makes easy spiritual journey or Kundalini awakening.

Pranayama comprises three bandhs named Mulabandha, uddiyan bandh and Jalandhar bandha and all three bandhs naturally keeping Prana-Vayu and refine five pranas within the body. One third of Nadis out of 72000 to 350000 are flowing through the Manipur chakra.  Pranayama is good to do and offers desired results to the seeker because the pranayama purify these Nadis. Many glands in the body perform a vital task and yield numerous hormones in the body. Bandhas affects that and keep the body healthy.

Three important Nadis are, such as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna among 72000-35000 Nadis. Breathing is a process, a simple mechanical and physical function accomplished by the physical body generally ignored. The yogic practices, the breath is a process that can be wrought and controlled for extra-sensory, the sublime of major seven chakras along with remaining sub-chakras, connected with the invisible realm of nature. The breathing establishes consistency in the breathing and manifesting introversion, concentration, meditation and transcendence.


Emotional issues such as fear, anxiety, low energy and stomach ache, and health issues as asthma and heart palpitations are all of the results of the malfunctioning of Samana-Prana Vayu. Constipation, gas, diarrhoea, malabsorption and dysentery are the results of malfunctioning of the Samana Vayu. Vat dosha (imbalance mucus) is also owing to Samana when Samana is not working well.

Udana-Vayu is the fourth Prana-Vayu among five Prana-Vayu in the body and as it positioned in the throat, as it has a circular flow around the neck/throat chakra and upward to the head.

Within the body, bringing a balance between two life forces (Ida and Pingla Nadis /left cold Nadi of the nostril and right hot Nadi of the nostril. In the body that would be attributing balancing the all Prana-Vayu in the body, and it can enhance the all major hormones within the body - pineal and pituitary gland in the third eye or thyroxin (which regulate the metabolic rate), triiodothyronine (which control the growth of the body), calcitonin (helps to regulate the body calcium and phosphate levels).




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