Surya-Bhed Pranayama | Step to follow | Benifits


 Pranayama is the principal constituent of yoga practices. Pranayama has two aspects to physical and mental health, which are harmonised well for spiritual advancement that might give birth to true wisdom. Pranayama lets the life force/ cosmic energy that has to be withdrawn from the thought process and bypassing the mind's energy system, changing both the path and the direction of Prana flow. Surya-Bhed pranayama connects our awareness with the Spiritual dimension. The internal chatter ceases, silence and transparency begin to mark one's consciousness. The mind works in a more restrained way and enjoys an essential rest, and each thought becomes more concrete and precise.  Pranayama comprises three main parts are puraka (to breathe) in and fill the lungs with air, kumbhaka have to hold the breath within the capacity, the last part is Rechaka (breathe out).


Surya-bhed kumbhaka pranayama


·         Closing the left nostril with little finger and ring finger of the right hand. 

·         Begin, breathe in with Suraya Nadi (right nostril) and take some time to hold.

·         Do Jalandhar bandha (while retaining the breath, press chin firmly into the chest). 

·         Breathing held for a longer time as per your capacity to be concentrating in the navel.

·         Breathe out from your left nostril by closing the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand.

·         Repeat this process five times for beginner and you can increase it with time.



Surya-bhed Pranayama cures coughing-issues, phlegm, purify the blood and enhances appetite as it boosts the flow of Samana Vayu in the navel area. It raises the flow of prana energy in the body and cleans the Pingla Nadi. If this pranayama is to do in the winter season, it will keep your body warm all day long. The issues relating cough and fever vanish by itself, but this pranayama is more beneficial to do in the winter; and, in summer when the temperature soars up to 35◦ avoid doing it in excess. 



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