Shambhavi Mudra | Third eye |benifits

Mudra and Bandha are specific poses of yoga to which can be completed in the firm positions by the aspirant for desired goals. The Gheranda Samhita has described 25 mudras and bandhas that are important to balancing the pranic energy flow in the body. The pranic energy is indispensable fuel to sustain life. The most important among them are Mula bandha, Jalandhar bandha, uddiyan bandha; mudras- khichari mudra, manduki mudra, Ashwini mudra, kaki mudra, matangini mudra, bhujangini mudra, viparitkari mudra and tadagi mudra. All of these mudras are beneficial for good health; considered as the essentials for the advanced mudras that comes in the second group which refine and direct the prana energy in the body in the more precise way. The mudras, which come in the second group are advanced in nature and used for specific objectives or for advance practising of yoga.

Advanced group of mudras that comprises of thirteen mudras. 

Advanced mudras which keep the pranic energy in balanced into specific glands, and organs; are Maha mudra, Mahabandha mudra, Yoni Mudra, Mahabedha mudra, Vajroni mudra, Shambhavi mudra, Shaktichalini mudra, Prithvidharna mudra, Jaladharna mudra, Vayavidharna mudra, Agnidharna mudra, Akasidharna mudra and Pashni mudra.

Importance of mudras and bandha

The mudras affect the glands, and enhancing capability to do work in a precise way; Glands perform the fundamental role and produce hormones to the body which is essentials to the body's growth and longevity, and variation in the hormones means the discoordination among the other organs of the body that only results in diseases.

Shambhavi mudra is a primary yogic practice be applied to sill the mind. Shambhavi mudra can do at any time. It performs by gazing at the centre of the eyebrows. View the eyebrow keeping the eyesight firm and concentrate on the mind; so, it is the sort of meditation that doing with the open eye to still the mind and activates the pranic energy flow, and is known as lord Shiva mudra too.



·         To stick your tongue up with the palate and breathe as normally.

·         Gaze at the centre of the eyebrows for some time or third eye.

·         Meditate if one can find some time.


The tongue absorbs the hormones that are secreted by the pituitary gland; pituitary gland is a master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain, controls and stimulates the functioning of the all endocrine glands. Regular practising of it keeps ones free from all diseases.

Pituitary gland

Wisdom, intellect, enthusiasm, sentiments, self-esteem, self-efficacy, sex are all controlled by this gland. The pituitary gland regulates the growth of the body;  dwarfism and exceptional height are the results of its malfunctioning.

Most of the investigations, in neuroscience at present aimed at medical treatment of the physical and mental abnormalities that results in the imbalance in the harmonious functioning of the brain. 

Meditation helps to calm the mind within a few minutes of practising; because the cycle of breath links you to the rhythms of creation within you, and with the cosmic prana energy. 

Meditation keeps the brain more alive and provides harmonious mood, and keeping enhances the pituitary glands and pineal glands; melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, and improving dopamine efficiency, and keeps well amygdala.


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