Warm-up your body before doing any asana for good results
To stay safe and get the most out of your workout you must comprise
with warm-up exercise before doing any asana for good results. Warm-up
exercises let you stretch more ahead than you normally would do; as it is
preparing you mentally and physically for doing yoga accurately. Proper warm-up
may reduce the risk of any injury, rarer chance to be left even in maximum
efforts being done; the exercise should start with jogging, walking and
running, and skipping. A warm-up that you need to get done before postures that
create a step-by-step strategy to take –off your next move; so that, you
execute your most difficult asanas smoothly, further to do meditation most
efficiently easily. Body rotation asanas or warming-up asanas are Sarvottan,
Skandh chalan, pag chalan, Nabhi chalan-reverse Nabhi chalan, and Bal Machlan.
Body rotation
warming-up exercises should be performed before any asanas to ensure the
desired results. It comprises of neck rotation, shoulder, elbow stretch,
hand-wrist, ankle-knee rotation, leg-hip rotation, and finger rotation.
Neck rotation is
the first warm-up exercise for the neck' muscles as all the nerves and
prana-Nadi are connecting with the different organs, glands, and limbs of the
body that pass through the neck. Neck rotation releases tension, heaviness,
stiffness and cures cervical issues. It keeps neck and shoulders in a healthy
state as it makes this region flexible and strong. Neck rotation also assists
with Jalandhar bandha, Maha Mudra, dhanur asana and bhujang asana.
Shoulder region
being strong and flexible by shoulders rotation as it is helpful for cervical
spondylitis and frozen shoulder muscles. Shoulders stretching is helpful to do
grabh asana, sarp asana (bhujan asana), ushtra asana, akarana-dhanush asana,
Karn-Pid asana, Hal asana, baddha-Padam asana, and dvi-pada-shir asana.
While elbow stretch
reduces stiffness of elbow muscles and strengthen the forearms and build more
flexibility as well as being helpful in the chest region. It is helpful to do
shirsha asana, urdhva-Padam asana, vrishchik asana, and vriksh asana.
Hand and wrist
rotation are good for arthritis of the joints and muscles. Hand and wrist
rotation strengthen muscles to help to do mayur asana, kukkut asana, dhanur
asana, sarp asana, janushir asana, paschimottan asana, and hasta-pad-angushth
asana. Ankle rotation strengthens the foot and calf muscles and helps in
stagnant lymph and venous blood is returning to its normal position to be made
easier. For this rotation, it is helpful to do pad-hast asana, Utkat asana,
garud asana, kon asana, Sarvang asana, pada-angushth asana, dhanur asana,
vatayan asana, chakra asana, Padam asana, kukkut asana, Matsyendr asana, and
urdhva-Padam asana.
Knee rotation helps
and strengthens the quadriceps muscles, ligaments around the knee and
rejuvenating the joint by the massage that spells the pranic energy activated.
It is helpful to do Padam asana, Vajra asana and Leg-hip rotation which removes
fatigue, sends more pranic energy to this region, helps in back pain and
reduces the fats from this region. It to strengthen it further, helpful to do
padmasana and Vajra asana
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