How kak asana works by clearing blockage from the astral nadis, improving prana energy flow in to chakras and internal organs

Kak asana is also known as the crow posture and one of the most balancing asana. The body weight supported on the elbows which is twisted a little and hands on the ground firmly placed, while push the head well forward by leaning the body far enough in front of you, this helps to keep your mind from wondering. Kak asana strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders and spine as well as enhancing concentration and balancing the breath by expanding the chest. Kak asana puts pressure on the chest, expanding it in all directions the whole chest gets rejuvenating effects which is like a massage for the lung, whilst strengthening the lungs, respiratory system and the heart. Kak asana works by clearing blockage from the astral Nadis and improving prana energy flow into the chakras and internal organs. The fascia that surrounds each organ and the work assigned to the fascia is to regulate the temperature of the organs. If insufficient heat is released in an organ over a course of the time, it triggers heat generation in the organ as well as toxins that will have a direct effect not only on the health but also on the emotions. Continued overheating of an organ hardens and contracts the muscles of the organ which reduce the flexibility of the organ and the proper functioning of the muscles.

Breath and mind are much more connected and even the emotional state has direct relationship between the breath and mind. Hence, if one overserved during love or meditation or in a state of fury the breath responds differently depending on the situation. In the case of anger, one takes short rapid breathes into the stomach because the connection between them becomes completely disturbed, in the happy mood or in the meditation one takes deep, composed and slower breaths. In fact, which means full and controlled breathing can in turn aid to control the emotional-mental mind that brings fruitful results in one’s external activities. So, Kak asana is very useful to do after easy asanas for good results in a day work out. 

Kak asana

Squat down and breathe normally and bring your arms between your knees.

Place your palms flat on the ground in front of you firmly.

Your shoulders width apart with fingers spread wide that pointing slightly outward.

Bend your elbows out to the sides in such a manner that you can put your knees to rest on the backs of the arms properly.

Eye should be focused forward at a point on you want to focus.

Inhale and lean forward and put weight onto your hands and lift your toes up and make sure you balance the body weight on your hands.

Exhale and hold the pose for some time and come back to initial position without jerk.


Kak asana gets strengthen the chest, hands and shoulder and keeping the mind to be composed and to enhance concentration.


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