Breathe in the breath of life and breathe out the peace with Nadi Sudhi Pranayama

Freedom and discipline appear to be opposite, yet both are complimentary; self- restraint protects freedom and go in hand in hand. Practice of self-restraint, truthfulness, compassion and mental equipoise constitutes the process of yoga which bestows a meaningful life and will help you to control the emotion and passions, will help to remove the unhealthy bonds from the mind and heart. Exercise of the body is only aimed to protect the body from the diseases and it can be possible if one attains the right way of breathing.  Good health is completely depend on the right breathing mode; and it is universally known that deprivation of breath cannot sustain life even for minutes. Nadi sudhhi (cleansing) is a primary task in the early stage of yoga and pranayama brings about quick purification of all the astral Nadis within the body. So, through exercising you can gain control over the breath and can easily control the subtle prana inside. Breathe in the breath of life and breathe out peace; heightened awareness brings one close to reality which is the prime aim of pranayama which has to be learnt through pranayama technique with complete discipline to tame the breath.
When the breath wanders so does the mind and becomes unsteady, when the breath is calm and composed, so is the mind. It is important to control the breath first, because the breath is connected with the senses and is the external manifestation of prana. Prana is related to mind that leads to the will and finally to the supreme soul. The prana is one yet it performs many functions in the body that occupy certain places within body and hence has five names: prana, apana, samana, udana and vyana. Pranayama purifies Nadis of which there are more than 72000 known as astral Nadis which cannot to be seen by naked eyes. So by controlling the act of breathing you can efficiently purify the Nadis and gain control over it.

This is a process by which the prana is controlled by regulation of breath is known as pranayama: rhythmical breathing, Suryabheda, ujjayi, Sitali, Sitkari, Bhastrika and Nadi shudhi. Pranayama is the chief constituent of yoga, known as the technique of breath control; it enhances the strength of pranas, nervous system and organs. Pranayama prolongs life and provides more oxygen to brain and heart that enables and begets activeness, lightness, flexibility, stamina and strengthens in the all majors and minors organs of the body within a few days of practicing it.

Nadi shudhi pranayama:

Close the right nostril with thumb of the right hand and breathe in slowly and filling the stomach with air as it comes from of your left nostril and be ensure stomach will be expand outside as filling the air in it.

Close the right nostril with right thumb and breathe in and out from left nostril for 10 breathes ensure the stomach expands during inhalation and contracts during exhalation.

Now close the left nostril with ring finger and small finger as well and hold the breath comfortably.

Exhale slowly from the right nostril by keeping your left nostril closed with small and ring finger. Now breathe in and out from the right nostril for 10 breathes. Then close the right nostril and hold the breath comfortably and then exhale slowly from the left nostril.

Repeat all the above steps three times and ensure that the last breath you take is exhaling from your left nostril.

Relax for some time.


Quite safe as compare to other types of the pranayama as it cures all types of problems such like as constipation, falling hairs, eyes problem, concentration, laziness, back pain, stomach problems and nervous system. This pranayama remove all diseases as it purifies the Nadis, improve digestion and blood-circulation and provides enthusiasm.


  1. Very nice Pranayma for better health

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