How colours affect seven chakras | benifits | third eye | step by step meditation tips

Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival which comes in spring, also known as the Festival of Colours which attributes the victory of good over evil, being celebrated all over India, despite the difference in culture and language, everyone plays and laughs with enthusiastically all day long, they forget and forgive allowing them to keep good relationships. People hug and wish each other and celebrate by giving thanks for a good harvest. People rub ‘gulal’ and ‘abeer’ (coloured powder) on each other. Festivals are a unique hallmark of human culture or immense accumulation of past glorious civilization from which one may obtain enthusiasm for ideal values. Focus your full perception on it. The festivals affect mood and emotion as well as alertness and receptivity which further enhance one’s capability to perceive things better.

Colours play a very significant role in our life, the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eyes as a result of the way it reflects light is called colours. These colours vibrate an energy that stimulate the brain to function properly that open up intuition, imagination and wisdom; and provide good health also, and while the third eye chakra attributes of all. The third eye or Ajna chakra (brow) is a centre for extra sensory perception, will-power, self-control and self-efficacy, all these are controlled by the pituitary gland which acts as a command system for all other endocrine glands hence why pituitary gland is known as the master gland as its secretions directly or indirectly affect the function of the other glands in the endocrine system.

·         A brain chemical such as Dopamine is responsible for intense pleasure.

·         Oxytocin is known as the love hormone.

·         Serotonin is known as a mood enhancer.

·         Endorphin is known as a natural pain killer.

All of these brain chemical make us feel more alive, happy healthier and more enthusiastic. The mental powers can be awakened and to be made sharper even in an unhealthy body through meditation by making use of third eye chakra through the colours visualisation to refine and rouse the mental and intellectual traits.

Sir Isaac Newton experimented with passing the sunlight through a prism, and concluded that how white colour produces distinct seven colours; and colour consists of its own waves and wavelengths, as well as vibrating at a different frequency. The spectrum of seven colours such like as are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. We see a rainbow after it has rained and the sun shines. Raindrops act like a prism and the sunlight passes through them to expand the colour spectrum.

While Theo Gimbel has formulated his own new approach to colour therapy; the way that how it produces a biochemical reaction within our body through stimulating vital glands and prana energy(cosmic energy) through Nadis; and glands like the pineal and the pituitary gland of the endocrine system which produces the hormones that regulate body functions. Pituitary gland is the master glands which is connected with the third eye chakra, that is situated in the middle of the forehead and governs our senses- sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, on the spiritual level third eye chakra governs open awareness of sixth senses- telepathy, clairvoyance and distant healing while third eye manifests light and can enhance by meditates on light through visualisation or mantra ‘om’.  

·        Red affects the metabolic rate, appetite, sleep, sex and longevity; corresponding nerve

Plexuses in the physical body and stimulates Root chakra.

·     Oranges effects the Prostatic and stimulates sacral plexus that affects sexuality, pleasure, abundance and well-being.

·        Yellow stimulates the Solar plexus; and balances power, choice, confidence and harmony.

·         Green affects the Cardiac plexus and stimulates the Heart Chakra and increases love, peace and brotherhood.

·      Blue affects the Laryngeal plexus and stimulates the Throat Chakra by enhances willpower, truthfulness, creativity and communication.

·    Indigo affects the Cavernous and stimulate the 3rd Eye Chakra and manifests intuition, wisdom, imagination and clairvoyance.

·      Violet stimulates the Crown resonates violet and manifests inspiration, beauty, truth, energy and beauty.

 In nature everything is in harmony, being surrounded by it we can perceive it and enhance through visualization and meditation; and to be closed near the object of nature. It is better to surround ourselves with the colours to which we are influenced, so that we feel good and energetic, which is supported by our environment.


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