Shalabha asana: allowing an influx of fresh blood with enhancing Prana energy and keeps away all stomach problems

The real strength and vitality of a tree lies in its deep roots, the survival instinct of the tree that refuses to die even when its trunk and branches have been chopped off. So, the root is the real strength of the tree which has tremendous strength and great instinct for survival in spite of being the recipient of all kinds of attacks and wounds in its lifetime.  It refuses to die instead chooses to heal itself very quickly and regain strength again. The sturdiness and resilience of a tree comes through nature by embracing nature’s law and is strengthened by drawing nourishment from the earth, sun, air and water. When roots begin to wither the tree loses its life. Humans must have a similar kind of attitude as trees to life and have a never say die attitude to life. Each and everything in this universe, whether it be a living or non-living thing can draw cosmic energy to sustain their life and can heal themselves.

Another law of nature is to live in the present moment rather than focusing on past and future. Extreme joy and sorrow keeps one to remain in the past or future and become incapable to come back to their natural instinct from their extremes state; and ignore the natural influences and instead choose to mingle with their worldly affairs.  It can be corrected by living in the present state; which can be observed in one’s present state to check unhealthy bonds of extreme state of existence and cut those memories in order to replace with present.

Yoga keeps one close to nature, one just needs to obey the law of nature. Yoga comprises with shat-karma, asanas, pranayama, mudras, Kriya and meditation; and all of these practices gets one close to the nature with complete harmony and brings perfect balance. Balancing of prana Vayu in the body can get one closer to a higher state of existence within. Prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifesting in the universe and every living organism derived from nature to sustain life. With yoga one can control the little waves of Prana working through the mind and body and easily get the secret of subjugating the universal prana.

Padahast asana is known as a balancing of the Paran energy in the body as this asana propitiate the sun to improve one’s digestion through the energy channels that are opened when bending forward in the posture, whilst the earth helps to remove the impurities. The sun and earth help each and every object of nature whether it is a tiny or big organism to sustain their life by balancing them. Padahast and tad asana, are two postures that definitely help digestion and balancing prana energy in the entire body. Shalabha asana helps to keep balanced vyana Vayu, samana Vayu and apana Vayu in the body and to purify Nadis. A third balancing asana which helps to balance Prana-vayu in the entire body and purifies major Nadis which carry the prana energy to the entire body. If you have sufficient prana energy then you have full control over your body and mind and keep close to nature. The more prana energy you have the healthier you are.  

Shalabha Asana

Shalabha asana in Sanskrit means locust so it is also known as Locust posture as it looks like locust that resting on the ground. Yet simple to perform this asana will help strengthen your back muscles and abdominals. Warm-up prior to doing this asana is essential. Sahalabha asana allows a freshly oxygenated supply of blood to circulate in this region with further allowing an influx of fresh Prana Vayu which has a wonderful rejuvenating effect on the stomach. Shalabha asana stretches abdominal nerves and removes stagnant blood and toxins from the organs of the stomach easily; and spine gets the more flexibility also.


Lie face down with arms at your side and hands palms down and elbows slightly bent.

Breathe in, slowly raise your legs and thighs off the ground.

Your chin, shoulders and chest should be touching the ground.

Hold the position for thirty seconds.

Breathe should be normal and rhythmic.


Shalabha asana has a good effect on the pelvis, abdominal viscera and the spine as it improves the general circulation in the lower limbs. It cures mild sciatica and slipped disc; but one should take care if the condition is serious.

For general health purposes do it up to three minutes daily.


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