Which Pranayama is better to do in winter and keep warm all day long

Each individual dreams to live a long and healthy life; and has sought ways to achieve better heath and increase longevity. It is a universally acknowledged truth that it cannot be attained through any short cuts. True comfort and happiness can be achieved when one’s health is in good state. The body, mind and wisdom entirely depends only on sound health. Today’s sedentary life-style junk-food and stress have declined the state of human health. Man only can reason, reflect and learn; and can compare and contrast easily. Man can change his habit through learning new method and to be solved problems.

 Learning yoga is a given way for those one who embrace it. Yoga brings one closer to good health and spiritual advancement. There is a need to go back to basics and the beginning and start all over again. Yoga is not merely a form of physical exercise, but a way towards complete synchronisation of body, mind and spirit, which leads to self-realization. Yoga is the discipline of the mind, senses and body and brings in perfection, peace and everlasting happiness. Happiness seeps from within and brings aspirant more closely to reality and heightened awareness.

Pranayama is the principal constituent of yoga, it is as known as the life-force of yoga and can be done by various different breathe control methods, it enhances the strength of pranas and the nervous system, so that aspirant can easily and promptly will be able to reach a higher state of existence. Pranayama has two aspects, physical and mental and both are synchronized well for spiritual advancement that might give directions to true wisdom. Pranayama provides benefits that prolongs life, as it supplys more oxygen to brain which adds more alertness, and lightness in the body comes when the flow of the prana is increasing in the subtle Nadis; along with other organs of the body; heart, lungs and spine also benefit.

Pranayama comprises of three main parts i.e. puraka-to breathe in and fill the lungs with air, kumbhaka have got to hold the breath within capacity and the last part is called as Rechaka-breathe out. Kumbhaka is an extremely important aspect of pranayama as it works with holding breathe within capacity that will cover all the benefits of the entire body organs whether it is veins, arteries and yoga Nadis or others organs in the body will benefit.

Bhastrika kumbhaka is one of four Sahita kumbhaka. Sahita kumbhaka purifies and prepares the entire physiological organism. Suryabheda kumbhaka, ujjayi kumbhaka, Sitali and Bhastrika kumbhaka are the four types of Sahita kumbhaka which eliminate the intestinal worms and abdominal viscera. Sahita kumbhaka always to be done by kumbhaka and it revitalises the vital sheath. All of these kumbhaka will help to synchronize the five major prana Vayu in the body and make the body more rejuvenating of which further help to receive the prana energy from the crown chakra easily. The body becomes more energetic and will help in meditation for the higher spiritual advancement. Just like as snake shed its skin and to be felt more better. Learning Bhastrika kumbhaka is new art and science of which will provide new perspective of life. 

1.    Bhastrika pranayama:

 Rapid succession of forcible expulsion is a feature of Bhastrika. Bhastrika word derived from Sanskrit and means bellows, just like as blacksmith blows bellows rapidly to increase the flow of the wind to fire. Bhastrika removes inflation of the throat and increases the gastric fire and has to be balanced Samana Vayu near navel area and all sort of diseases that may be caused of wind corrected. Most effective pranayama among four asanas series here and enables prana energy to break through the three Granthis (knot). Beneficial for stomach as it tunes and helps to reduce the size of stomach within a few days when done properly. Yoga helps to remove all the accumulated impurity of the mind by practicing of pranayama, asana and meditation. The following is the sequence of Bhastrika kumbhaka to be performed for removing toxins from the organs of the body.

Steps to follow

Sit in Padam asana or comfortable asana.

Close the mouth.

Inhale and exhale quickly for twenty times like the bellows of blacksmith.

Hissing sound is produced when practiced.

Continually expand and contract the chest while inhaling and exhaling.

Ten expulsion will enough for beginner and take a rest for one minute after expulsion and then repeat a further 3 times.


Bhastrika makes respiration easier, strengthen heart, lungs and purifies blood. Prevent, correct and delays ageing process and promotes longevity and likewise induces sound sleep along with checks on the fatigue and tiredness of body. Improves the stamina and immunity to withstand physical and mental disturbances.

2.       Prana is the link between the astral and causal bodies and prana flows in the Nadis of the astral body as a positive (Pingla) and a negative energy (Ida) through Ida and Pingla which are considered to be two of the major Nadis among 72000 Nadis; and the third important Nadi is Sushumna. Ida flows through the left nostril while Pingla through the right nostril: Ida is cooling, Pingla is heating the body as both Nadis are the subtle Nadis rather than the gross sympathetic chains.  

 Surya-bhed kumbhaka pranayama

Closing the left nostril with little finger and ring finger of the right hand.

Begin, breathe in with Suraya Nadi (right nostril) and take some time to breathe in.

Do jalandhar bandha (while retaining the breath, press chin firmly into the chest).

Breath is held for a longer time as per your capacity to hold and to be concentrating in the navel.

Breathe out from your left nostril by closing right nostril with thumb of the right hand.

Repeat this process for five times for beginner and you can increase it with the passage of time.


Surya-bhed Paranayama cures problems of cough, phlegm, purify blood and improves appetite as it increases the flow of Samana Vayu in the navel area. It increases the flow of prana energy in the body and purifies the Pingla Nadi.  If this pranayama is done in winter it will keep you warm all day long and the problems relating cough and fever vanish by themselves; but this pranayama is more beneficial in the winter and in summer when temperature soar up to 35 avoid doing it in excess.


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