How Padahast asana to restore more prana energy, flexibilty and stamina

Padahast asana is a bending forward posture which helps digestion and aids in increasing height and supports the vertebral column to align itself. Padahast- is a Sanskrit word ‘pada’ meaning foot and ‘hast’ meaning hand. In Padahast asana the hands are brought close to the feet in a forward bend posture. Padahast asana is known as a balancing of the Paran energy in the body as this asana propitiate the sun to improve aspirant’s digestion through energy channels that are opened when bending forward in the posture and whilst the earth helps to remove the impurities. The sun and earth helps each and every object of nature whether it is tiny or big organism to sustain their life in here by balancing them. Padahast and tad asana, two posture definitely help digestion and balancing prana energy in the entire the body.

The hand to feet pose or pada asana restores prana energy and flexibility to the spine; and stretching the ligaments of the legs, and hamstrings gives more flexibility. Pada asana helps the flow of blood to the brain same as in shirsha asana and vriksh asana can be felt. Breathe deeply in pada asana and let yourself fold a little further down with each exhalation but practice should be gradually increased to one minute, repeat it for three times and relax for a while after each session. Do not jerk while pulling down your chest in closer to your legs.


Stand straight and keeping the feet together and arms kept loosely by the side of the body as close to the waist.

Inhale and raise your arms above your head as you lift your head up, making yourself as tall as you can, so as to lengthen the spine. Feet kept flat on the floor.

Exhale and bend forward as much as you can and hold your toes with your hands and try to keep the knees straight for some minutes or for as long as you can and are comfortable with.

Come down as far as possible and either grasp your ankles or clasp hold of your toes with your thumbs and pull your head in toward your shins and inhale.

Come out of the position slowly.

Relax for a while.


Padahast asana makes the spine flexible and strong and further to be benefited and useful for brain too, as the blood circulation increases towards head and neck by stretching all the veins from head to foot. It cures disorders of spleen, abdominal viscera and legs and checks obesity.


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