How to do Sitkari Kumbhaka and what benifits one have got-enhances gastrin and enzyme for longevity

‘Be deaf to negative thoughts if your aims is to reach your goal’.

Sitkari pranayama is one of the four Sahita kumbhaka and the last article of the four Sahita kumbhaka series.  Sitkari pranayama can to be done with the tongue remaining behind the teeth and puraka (breathe in) is done by drawing air in through mouth into the stomach through gaps between the teeth making a hissing sound. You can gradually increase the kumbhaka when you have achieved mastery over it. Finally, do Rechaka (breathe out) from both nostrils slowly.  Sitkari pranayama and sheetali pranayamas are quite similar as they possess the same benefits. Sheetali pranayama is by done by drawing out the tongue from the mouth and make it round just like beak of a crow and take in air through tongue to stomach slowly and to be mindfulness while exhaling through tongue to stomach and feel the air consciously over the organs of the body the air passes over during the breath in and out.

Sahita kumbhaka aims to remove the excess heat from the body. The air, which goes through nostrils with hissing sound into stomach cools the heat in organs of stomach that is in excess, and to maintain the balance among them. Practices of Sahita kumbhaka provides good appetite, sound sleep and enthusiasm which can be easily achieved. Good physique and gracefulness are the others benefits that can be attained. The question that arises here, is, how does it works? The stomach comes under the region of solar plexus. The solar plexus has its corresponding centre in the body which has control over the liver, spleen, abdominal viscera. The physiological function of the liver is to produce bile which controls the breakdown, digestion, excretion of fats from the body. It converts protein and fat into carbohydrates and even stores them. The liver acts as to detoxify toxins from the body and control blood sugar level. Likewise, another organ which is very important is the spleen, soft oval-shaped organ, yellow and lies in direct contact with the pancreas that produces the insulin that regulates blood sugar levels and with it others functions it also produces antibodies and all sorts of blood cells. The negative aspect of the spleen is fear.

The Solar plexus is the store house of the jathragni (fire) and is the source of heat in the navel region. Solar plexus is located roughly one inch above the navel. Sahita kumbhaka enhances the solar plexus and helps to remove the toxins from the organs of the stomach.


Choose quiet and pollution free place.

Sit in the comfortable asana.

The tongue remaining behind the teeth.

Draw in air slowly and to fill the stomach.

Hold within for some time and drawn out through the mouth.

Repeat it as much as you can. Beginners must start with one minute and gradually increases its length time. Do for as longs as you like and are comfortable. Avoid doing it after meal. The best time for doing Sitkari pranayama kumbhaka is in the morning when sun arises.


It enhances secretion of gastrin. Gastrin is a hormone produced by the pyloric gland area of the stomach that stimulates the secretion the secretion of gastric acids. It stimulate the secretion of pepsin; an enzyme produced the stomach that chemically breaks down peptide bonds in polypeptides and proteins.

It stimulate a protein splitting enzyme and hydrochloric acid. Sitkari kumbhaka improves digestion and cures all disorder of the stomach.

Sitkari kumbhaka enhances thyroid and parathyroid, are known for immune system and heat supplier of the body that which affects the stomach further.


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